Chapter 7

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Kion's Night Pride (except Anga) walked through The Tree of Life, looking around for any trouble. Anga flew above them and used her keen eyesight to look for any danger. So far Ullu hadn't come to them yet. 

Bunga soon got bored and started talking. "This is so boring!" He groaned, looking ahead of him. Nothing.  He soon started talking again, this time talking about something else. The Past. He recalled past Lion Guard missions they had done together. Soon they all (except Kion and Fuli) joined in on the conversation, remembering also of the fun times they had. Soon Fuli joined in, talking wistfully about the fun they had together. "I really miss those times, I really want to go back and do it all again." She sighed. The rest of The Night Pride (except Kion) all nodded in agreement.

Kion meanwhile, was deep in thought, he wondered what the future would hold. "What if it is like the... Past?"  He thought and shuddered gently. He then pushed the topic aside from his mind and forced himself to think about something else. "Ullu. She might need a break. Maybe if I can find another person to keep a lookout. Someone who we can trust, but maybe in replacement for the day...since Owls are nocturnal." Kion thought. "Perhaps I should visit her again." He this pondered for a moment. "Maybe a bit later, she hasn't come to me yet."  He concluded. 

"KIOOOOOON!!!" Kion jolted upwards, clearly, in surprise, he was zoning out so much that he hadn't noticed Bunga yelling his name for the past 2 minutes. "Uhh, yes Bunga." He finally said once he had become fully aware of his surroundings. "Kyyy!" (sorry if that's not Kions nickname but I forgot what it was, please comment what it is!) "Did you hear what I said?" Bunga continued, now the whole Night Pride had stopped to look at Kion. "Uhh, sorry Bunga, I was just... zoning out." Kion laughed nervously. "Kion are you alright?" Besthe asked, clearly worried about his friend. "No, no, I'm fine!" Kion nervously laughed again. Bunga looked at Kion with a suspicious expression (he was suspicious of Kion). "Your acting strange." He said, while walking in circles around Kion like he was inspecting him. Kion flinched. "I-I am?" Bunga continued inspecting him, then stopped in front of Kion. "You've been acting strange since yesterday." He said looking directly in Kion's eyes. His gaze then soften for a moment as he said "Are you alright? Was it what I said yesterday?"

"What?! No! Of course not! I've just been thinking hard. Honestly Bunga, I'm fine." Kion exclaimed, trying his best to convince Bunga and his friends. Bunga then smiled "That's good to know Ky, I was worried about you for a second." Then Bunga turned like nothing had happened and continued to walk, The rest of the Night Pride started to make their way too, as they still had a patrol to do.

Sorry this is so short I've been really busy and I thought that a short chapter is better than none! Anyways thanks for 722 reads and 14 votes! This is amazing! You guys have no idea how much this means to me! I hope you've been enjoying this, I'll try to update again soon! Thanks for your support and kind comments!


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