Chapter 9: Escapee's Relief

Start from the beginning

Reo gruffly grabs Natsume with his hands, he pulls on Natsume's collar, "We need you. You should join our organization. You won't be alienated since we're all just like you."

Suddenly, a thump interrupted everything. That thump was then followed by at least fifty more. Mikan looked around, "What's going on?"

They heard Reo's comm switch on from the dead. "There's an intruder in the building-- it's a kid. His Alice is really strong and he can fight--" Everyone in the room heard as the guy was cut off, his comm falling onto the floor, the line dead.

"Anyway," Reo somehow seemed unaffected by the sudden fall of his men.

"How could you not care for them?" Mikan asked. She looked absolutely distraught.

"They're the low-level pawns, why should I care?"

There's a man in the room that wasn't Reo, he hadn't chosen to speak until now, "That girl doesn't seem affected by your Alice."

That's when Mikan realized Reo was still using his Alice. She hadn't noticed, but a quick glance at her dazed friends confirmed the fact. Reo's eyes narrowed in suspicion, inspecting Mikan closer, "Her face matches that woman's too."

More thumps resounded on the top floor, this time, they were in such rapid succession that they gained Reo's attention.

The man that spoke out earlier said, "We should check that out and take out who's doing it."

Reo sighed before agreeing. They both left the room.

-They didn't know that Hitoshi was planning this, and thus, their fall.-

"We need to escape. Sumire, do you smell anything?" Natsume asked.

"Gunpowder," Sumire answered immediately, "Lots of it."

Natsume managed to get them both out of their restraints before saying, "Here's the plan-"


Hitoshi yawned. Using his quirk so much does have some kind of backlash, although right now, it's just a dull headache. He wasn't a fan of the new restraints. Those things zapped him every time he used his quirk on more than two people, thus him having to take out most of the men using combat. Which Hitoshi duly noted, much to his annoyance, made all the men fall unceremoniously to the floor, creating loud noises. That 1, gave away his position to the enemy, and 2, just annoyed him in general.

He met this 'Reo' guy and immediately noticed how much his quirk was like Midnight's and his mashed together. If his qui-Alice. Alice, Hitoshi. He doesn't have a quirk. If his Alice is the Voice Pheromone, and Narumi's is just a pheromone, then I can infer that they're all just like Midnight's quirk but without the gas. Shinsou's eyes narrowed ever so slightly, Meaning if I listen to this guy too much, it might be me getting knocked out

That just makes everything more difficult, Nonetheless, Hitoshi had people to save. And with that, he jumped into action.

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