I Him First

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9 months later:"ugh" said Alaia as she felt her baby kicking hard"Damn it junior quit it"she said as she held her stomach "are you okay "said her cousin Austin"NO THIS  CHILD IS KILLING ME" she began clutching her stomach as she yelled in pain"omg you're in labor ,okay just breath just breath"said Austin"take me to the damn hospital " she said after driving to the hospital she was told to push after three hours later she gave birth to a baby boy he was small and cute"what are you going to name him may I ask" said her mother"James Ryan Smith" she said hugging her baby boy days later after bringing James home he slept soundly he didn't cry much she rocked him to sleep as he stare at her with his adorable little brown eyes his skin was almost like chocolate skin tone he smile at her as she kissed his head , She was home school dude to her being pregnant had a job it was almost time for graduation and she had turn seventeen she saved up money to help take care of James he was a very sweet baby he let her finish her homework he was very sweet and adorable baby Stefan had came to visit him to see James to her surprise he cried a lot like as if he was screaming he she had to show Stefan the right way of holding him James of course smile at Sebastian as well but as she watch him holding his son she felt like crying because she had cost him his job when she told her mother who the father was her mother told the police and wanted her to abort her son and when she refused she attacked her her mother was gun down by police she cried every single day as she remembered the day she lived in her own apartment after working days and night to support her little boy a 3 years went by James grew into a little crazy toddler he was 3 very smart and active when it came to creating things or drawing and writing he went to daycare as often he was scared on his first day of daycare that was until a boy and his mother came through the door "momma he has the same on as me " said James the little boy turn to James he began walking over to him" hi I'm Jake" said the little boy I'm James, wanna be friends" he said "sure" they both began hugging and then began running to the blocks area they like it each other very much" said Alaia"this is his first friend ever"said the little boy mother"really " "yes in our old neighborhood no kids wanted to play with him for reasons I don't know " "Alaia" "Kimberly" she said she began handing her a piece of paper with her number on it"call me sometimes maybe the boys can have play dates or maybe go on a date" "are you asking me on a date" said Alaia blushing "would you go one with me" she said biting her lips "y..yes"she said "alright how about tonight beautiful" said Kimberly as she moved closer towards her"yes"she said looking at her beautiful brown eyes. "Did you have fun at daycare sweetie"said Alaia as she tuck him in for his daily nap "yes I made a new friend mommy"said James"good" she said tucking him in she began walking into the living room to see her cousin Austin "you seem happy" said Austin"I got me a date night and I need you to baby sit James" "who is the lucky guy" said Austin"it a girl"she said blushing deeply"what I didn't know you liked girls since when" "don't worry when just babysit James" she began taking a shower and began putting on her makeup and then began putting on the perfect outfit she then began taking a picture of her outfit

"I'm sexy as fuck Kimberly going to want this kitty more than ever"she said. She began walking out to see Kimberly car which was very expensive "Damn baby you sexier than ever"thank you " "well lets get going " after hours of talking about their lives and motherhood"I had to have a c-section to have my son" said Kimberly"my son was born after 3 hours of labor" said Alaia music began playing"may I have this dance"asked Kimberly"yes you may" as they dance they stare deeply into each other's eyes they began kissing. The next morning Alaia work to find herself naked"good morning"said Kimberly"good morning"she began kissing Kimberly "you were amazing last night I never felt anything like that from any woman I have met in my life " "aww well now you have me"she began kissing her once again. 

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