Regrets and mistakes

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Alaina began as she felt sick to her stomach"ugh wtf why do I feel so sick" she began heading to her bathroom "I swear to god if Simone smoothie had something inside of it and I'm getting food poisoning I'm going to beat her ass I swear" she began fixing herself a cup of water she then began hearing her sister Amber walking in her room"hello baby sister" said Amber"don't fuck with me Amber I feel sick "she said clutching her stomach"are you okay do you want me to get mom or dad to help you" "no I don't need mom or dad overreacting " she began running towards the bathroom as she felt a wave of sick over come her "how long have you been throwing up" "since I woke up this is the second time" "get in bed I'm going to go get mom you might be sick " Amber began heading out of the room to get their mother Amber was 20 years old and was staying with the family for the weekend she worked in the city but no one knew her job which was odd , she began returning with their mother Ella who face was filled with a questionable look "Alaina sweety are you okay" ask her mother" no I feel like crap " Alaina began vomiting again"let take you to the doctor " her mother began taking her to the clean herself up then after they drove to the doctor when at the doctor Alaia sat on the table with her sister by her side the doctor had run some test on her as they wait for the test results she thought about the night before with Stefan who was her teacher how they hadn't use protection she began panicking she began feeling the same wave of sick again this time she began running towards the sink in the room and began vomiting rapidly as she felt like she was emptying all of her guilt she then began Turing on the water to wash the vomit out of the sink she then lay down on the table the doctor began walking in "I have some great news mrs Smith" said Dr Levin"is everything okay with her doctor" Alaia began panicking everything began changing around her everything began becoming darker and red. She began waking up in her bed to see she was in her normal clothes"I need to take a pregnant test" she began looking at her sister Amber picture in her dream her sister Amber along with their cousin Austin who was her age she began taking the test and began waiting five minutes as she looked at the test she began crying "I need to tell him" she began placing on a white sleeve Gucci shirt along with black jeans and white jordans she then began grabbing her little purse she began walking into the living room to see her cousin Austin sleeping on the couch she then began walking out the house as she began walking to Stefan house which was far from her house as she walked she made sure not to be see by any one because she didn't want her family knowing she was out late when she reached Stefan house she knocking to see Stefan in his workout clothes"what wrong baby" he said"can we talk about it inside""sure" as they enter inside she began sitting on his couch"what is wrong baby" she began pulling out the positive pregnancy test Stefan face froze with shock"what the hell Alaia do you know I can lose my job " "IT NOT MY FAULT YOU DIDN'T USE PROTECTION YOU FUCKING SELFISH ASSHOLE AND DON'T BLAME THIS ALL ON ME" she shouted at him" she began leaving the house leaving Stefan chasing after her"Alaia get back here "he said as he grab her arm"leave me alone you fucking selfish bastard it very obvious you don't want me or my baby " "please let just talk "he said pulling her against him she began looking into his eyes he began kissing her as began kissing her neck he began lifting her up as he carry her inside to the bedroom. The next morning she woke up in Stefan arms she began turning to face him he began opening his eyes"why are you staring at me like that" "you are Just so handsome to look at I guess that the reason why I got pregnant " she began kissing him once again she began hearing her phone going on off she began picking up her phone "hello she answered" " where the hell are you" said Austin"what do you want Austin" she said " mom and dad are looking for you"he said"okay I'm coming home"she began jumping out the bed she began rushing to place on her clothes"I'm so sorry Stefan I need to go"she said as she kiss him she began walking out as she tried to make it home when she finally reached home she began sneaking threw the back door after she began jumping to see her mother "oh shit" she said"where were you Alaina alsina" "I just went to go get some fresh air" "tell me what going please sweetie and the truth I'm worried about you sweetheart" said her mother"mom please don't get mad when I tell you this but I'm pregnant" her mother began hugging her "wait you're not angry or upset " "no sweetheart I'm not because your grandmother was the same age you are when she had me" said her mother Alaia began crying hugging her mother"thank you mom"   she cried on her mother.

Pregnant By TeacherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora