I'm fine

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After a bunch of explanations as to where everything was and why he would like to undo his previous life choices, Stark sat down in front of the PC with three screens.

„Jarvis, still up?" the billionaire asked, typing something on a distorted digital keyboard.

„For you always, sir"

„I want to create a new project file. Name: Mark two" he pushed a tab with a special pen from the top screen, which stood above the other two, to the bottom left. This made a copy of the framework of the old suit and he swiped the window further across the screen in the lower right to a table next to it. Walker was amazed by this.

„Should a copy be in the Stark Industries database?" asked Jarvis, creating a hologram from the 2D model on the table. This hologram quickly rose and the two stood around the table.

„I don't know who I can trust right now" he glanced briefly at Aurora, who was staring at the hologram with big eyes. „Until further notice, we leave everything on my private server", he said knowing internally that she wouldn't dare. The construction consisted of many individual parts.

„Are you working on a secret project, sir?" asked Jarvis. Tony took the helmet of the suit back.

„It shouldn't end up in the wrong hands," Tony said. Stark removed the suit from the under armor and threw it into a virtual garbage can. He turned the construction and threw away the unnecessary movement mechanisms as well. The girl continued to watch him, marveled. „After all, something good could come of it" he said, turning the virtual suit a few times. Walker smiled approvingly at him. „Well, let's get started"

„And this time really!" she grinned, following him to a box they had just opened. He picked up pieces of different irons one by one, some of which he looked at shortly before he put them back, but some he gave her.
After a while, he stood upright again while Walker looked at the seven glittering metals in her hands.

„What do you think?" he wanted to know when he took one and held it next to the hologram.

„Hmm" she weighed her head back and forth. She had no idea.

„Was way too thin anyway" he said, throwing it into the box, followed by another two. Then he lifted another one.

„Better" Aurora said, nodding confidently.

„You think so? I think it's almost too thick," he says skeptically.

„Better than too thin, it just gets a little heavier" she swayed. He looked at her with raised eyebrows but did not move. He realized that she had no idea. After a few embarrassing seconds she took it out of his hand and threw it back into the box. Stark chuckled a little. Aurora had only three left in her hand, they all looked the same for her, except that one was a bit dull. So, she handed it to him and practically stared into his soul.
The billionaire looked at it briefly and nodded. So, the other two were sent to the other ones and they took this metal to process it.

Together, they put some of it on a free working surface. Stark handed her a shape to draw on the plates, so they could cut and form it.

„Pepper mentioned that you are studying. How old are you then?" he asked her as he handed her safety glasses.

„Seventeen" she said, quickly putting them on.

„And in the collage?" he asks, impressively, as he watched from the display. It reminded him of himself, as he had also graduated around this time.

„No, like I said before I study over the Internet in Germany, so University" she explained, brushing her hair behind her ear. The mechanic nodded.

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