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The rings under her eye were visible, she generally looked quite tired, but this wasn't very new to her. Did she continue her skincare routine while thinking about the oncoming day, or days?

She ate breakfast alone, again. Her mother had grabbed her other daughter and flew to New York. She found out through their housekeeper. Three weeks. No note, no goodbye.

Reminded her about the time her father had left, years ago. This time she hoped that it be that way but feeling shitty afterwards since she's still her mother and she would definitely take her sister. The person who had given birth to her wasn't really her mother. Since her husband left her with a child and a newborn, they were forced to live in poverty until she brought her two daughters into the film industry. Aurora fought back. Her sister didn't and became a child movie star. From then on, her mother forbade a bond between her children and Aurora was treated like air.

It also wasn't new that she'd wake up and they'd be gone, happened frequently. On those days she would play it off with some music or watch videos, but she wished today would have been different. It should be a great day – she wanted it to start with her sister.

Time to get ready and leave this place behind, at least for a few days.
She packed her backpack with the extra clothing Stark told her to do and things she might need. Her sketchbook, if she had nothing to do, she doubted that, but still had it within the bag, headphones, laptop, textbooks and her 'toilet bag', which includes her things for the bathroom. She had also packed her notebook, which she hadn't used the last day and thought she still did great. Walker stopped and decided to leave it on her desk.

She breathed in deeply and placed the bag next to her shoes.


She squeezed them in and went barefoot into the kitchen to get her water bottle, which she took nearly everywhere. Then she put on her work shoes, a black denim jacket and a beanie before she walked out the door. It wasn't cold, it was quite warm actually.

Sitting on the stairs in front of the house, she was looking for the car to pick her up. It was only five minutes till the meetup, but she hated letting people wait, especially at their first meeting.

Shortly afterwards, she saw a car coming around the corner in the quiet street. Finally, someone who doesn't like waiting too. She grinned, got up and shouldered her backpack. The driver got out and approached the girl.

„Aurora Walker, is that right?" she nods and shook his hand. „You can call me Happy. Are you ready? The drive is 'bit long" he said amused.

„As ready as ever!"


After a while, she put the sketchbook down on her lap and looked out the window. She loved travelling by bus, car, and train. She didn't have to worry because anything in that time since it wasn't in her hands when she'd arrive or when she could start working again.

Aurora closed the book with the drawings she just had gone through. Out of nowhere, she asked herself, what if this isn't even the right person and I just went with a stranger, practically getting kidnapped on a freewill basis. She suspiciously looked at the driver next to her and considered an escape plan when the next depressing thought came in; nobody cares enough about me to actually try to kidnap me, to which she shrugged it off and went back to sketch random objects. Walker questioned if it had been the best idea to eat those sugary cereals when realism kicked back in.

„Is there something wrong?" Happy asked her when he noticed that she was practically starring through her papers. She zoned back in from the inner monologue she held.

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