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She had almost forgotten the call until she was involved in a conversation about Stark by Paul, which she didn't really take part in, just listening. She had to think of the call again.

She still hasn't heard from Stark, whether it's about revealing private data or the deal. Aurora lost hope and increasingly doubted that it truly was him. Aurora silently thought about what would happen if someone would find out.

In 90% of the cases it would be bad, Aurora thought unhappily and waited for Pepper in front of her car. The seventeen-year-old leaned against the cold facade and only looked up from the floor when she heard the heels of the orange-haired one click. She came out of the building with a grin on her lips. She wrote to her earlier that she was already leaving and if she wanted to come along, she had to wait outside. She checked it with Jessica and since nothing was going to happen which could attract a storm of customers, she let her go.

„Hey, little one. What was your day like?" the older one asked, hugging her briefly and getting the usual hug from her.

„Short, " she said bluntly, as her aunt pulled her out of work while she was in the middle of a conversation with her colleague „You?" she asked back, expecting a summary of what happened and getting in the passenger seat.

„It was, except for some details, really wonderful! I was notified that Stark is back" she said happily, driving off.

„Isn't that more work?" she asked Pepper with squinted eyes, who went over the comment and continued.

„He didn't take a 'time-out'. He was in captivity. He was supposed to build a bomb for the hostage-takers. He refused, of course, but then agreed. But Stark did not build a bomb, but a kind of suit. I don't know anything specific, but he was able to escape with it", she explained excitedly while starting the car. „Aurora, I have to be there when he comes back" she nodded and her aunt continued, „I'm going to have to drop you off beforehand."


She looked at her from the side.

„No, I can't and won't take you, " she said softly. Pepper knew how curious and persistent Aurora can be. To avoid a long discussion, she referred to her shyness and fear of strangers: „But if it's so important to you, I'll put you by someone's side, a good friend of Stark. He's from the Navy and Stark is with him right now"

„That would be great"

Potts didn't calculate that she learned to not be freaked out when a "nearly" stranger is mentioned. Also, Walker saw the opportunity to see if she is still an awkward mess being alone with someone she doesn't know.

„Okay, " Pepper said suspiciously, but she proposed the idea so she couldn't take it back. She wanted to ask where she had been taking her courage from lately, but she didn't even get her mouth open; too many thoughts.

„I'm not dressed for something like that" Walker said bluntly after some silence, pointing to the big turtleneck-sweater and flowy pants she was wearing, now realizing how many other people there will be.

„It doesn't matter, they're not going to film you – But I

probably still have this old tweed jacket in the back" Aurora turned to her aunt, confused.

„You don't wear tweed"

„It's from one of Starks one-night lovers but she didn't want it back. I forgot it and ignored it since I guess" the redhead figured, looking over her shoulders multiple times.

„Eyes on the street! I'm gonna look for it", she said loudly, but amused while climbing in the back seat. She found it rather quickly when looking in the trunk. It was a light brown base with white, red and darker brown stripes mixed within. „This?", she held it up. Pepper nod and she checked the size. „Bit big but will do", she mentioned and sat back in the passenger seat.

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