Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Present - Aiden's POV

The cold air nips at my face as I weave down the icy slopes. It's a sharp sting, like dozens of tiny needles poking against my cheeks, but not quite hard enough to draw blood. Tears burn the corners of eyes. I blink them away as best I can, but the salty droplets freeze against my skin as soon as they come in contact with the open air. I straighten out my skis and pick up speed. My stomach flies into my throat, and a surge of adrenaline floods through my veins, loosening up my tense muscles.

I've been complaining about leaving California for months, but being here, in this winter wonderland, I can see the silver lining to winter weather. This is fun. All the stress of the past few weeks dissipates and becomes irrelevant as I hit slope after slope, riding the waves of adrenaline to cope with my pain.

It feels like only minutes have passed when Casper waves to me from the bottom of the ski lift. He cups his hands in front of his mouth and shouts we're heading to the lodge to eat now. He points up the lift, to a second, smaller lodge near the top of the slopes. It looks like we'll be having a cozy dining experience tonight.

I nod and eject my feet from the skis, enjoying the crunch of snow beneath my boots. Casper's blue eyes study my expression as I approach. Our puffs of breath gobble up the cold space between us, and his red-tipped nose and cheeks match my own. He must see how relaxed I am, because he gives me a genuine grin. And damn, after all this time, it still feels good to see that dimple pop into view.

"I think this is the happiest I've seen you in a long time," Casper comments.

"Frozen nutsack not included," I add with a wink.

He chuckles, and we walk to ski lift together. I've been so focused on my own adrenaline splurge, that I haven't kept tabs on Zion or Hunter's whereabouts. I stealthily glance around the slopes. Not many people are left, and the ones that are have so many layers and masks that it's hard to tell who is who.

"They're not down here," Casper comments as we plop onto the moving, metal bench. He holds onto his skis and nods to the lodge. "Both went up about a half hour ago. I said I'd wait for you and bring you up."

"A half hour ago? How long have we been out here?"

Casper shrugs. "Just shy of two hours."

Damn. "I had no idea. I would have cut out earlier if people were done."

"They watched you for a bit, you know," Casper comments, then laughs under his breath. "It was like, both of them waited for you to get to the bottom of the slope to see who you'd look at first. When you didn't look at either of them, I think they got pissy and butt hurt. That's around the time I offered to wait for you and bring you to dinner."

Despite Casper's overall lack of presence during my time of pain (and need), his pools of blue tell me he cares. He just doesn't always know how to show it, especially if his own sexuality exposure is at risk. But he's here now, standing beside me. Our peers will see us and automatically clump him as 'team Aiden.' It's a step in the right direction.

"Well, thanks for volunteering to babysit good ol' Broncs," I breathe with a laugh.

Casper elbows me. "It's not like that. We know you can take care of yourself, but after the way you were treated at school..."

"I can fend for myself," I mutter under my breath.

"I know you can. They do, too. I just - I don't trust anyone. I don't think they do, either. And this time if anything happens, you have people standing behind you."

Oh yea? Just like how you had my back the morning I found my locker? No, that's right. You quietly slipped into the crowd, becoming nothing more than the shadow of the friend I needed in that moment. The mere mention of the shit-stained locker fiasco sours my mood. I focus on the soft light spilling from the lodge at the top of the hills. Its illuminates the nearby snow, making the surface of white look like it's dancing with glitter.

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