Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I haul my duffle bag upstairs, keenly aware of the multiple pairs of eyes trailing after me like a shadow. The higher I climb, the faster my heart slams against my chest. It's an unexpected (although very Zion-esque) turn of events. When I hit the landing, the memorable blend of Zion's cologne and shampoo smothers the air around me. The scent clouds my senses, leaving me mentally intoxicated by the man standing across the room.

Zion pushes away from the railing, his footfalls softly padding across the carpet as he approaches. Dakota and Hunter's voices become muted murmurs in the background when their bedroom door closes. It's a welcome sound, enough to ease some of the tension in my shoulders. Zion doesn't stop until he's mere inches from me, and his hooded gaze softens.

"I told you I'd fight," he whispers in our rare moment of privacy.

His deep voice is rich with emotion. Each word caresses my skin with a wave of heat. I swallow hard and force a shallow breath from my lips. His closeness, my attraction to him, his scent, and my hormones are wreaking havoc on my lower half. It's a wicked combo, and I struggle to keep a boner at bay.

"Where are the rest of the guys staying?" I ask, referring mostly to Mike, Radik, and Kurt. "If Casper is stuck with those assholes, I'm going to get him."

Zion's jaw clenches. Even though months have passed since Casper and I ended our 'friends with benefits' phase, I imagine it's still not a fond memory for him.

"They're not here," he says.

Despite my curiosity and surprise, relief floods me. "None of them?"

"None of them." Zion's nostrils flare, and in this reaction alone, I know I've hit a nerve. "I paid Kurt a visit a few days ago," he explains, and anger bleeds into his tone. "Ironically, the next day Principle Sikes called my folks, informing them that the responsible parties for your locker came forward. They were expelled."

My jaw slackens. Once again, without my knowledge, Zion has gone to bat for me. He's been defending me in the shadows, living up to the very apology he gave me only days ago.

"It wasn't all three of them," Zion says with a frown, mistaking my look of awe with one of pain. "Just Kurt and two other guys who thought helping out would move them up a notch or two on the social food chain."

"Radik and Mike weren't involved?"

He shakes his head and slides a hand around my hip, moving me against him. "I knew they weren't. Anderson wouldn't risk his reputation."

"And Mike?"

Zion breathes out a single laugh. "The guy is an idiot, but he's not cruel. Besides, I've known Sharpe for years. He can only focus on one thing at a time. Lately, that single focus has been moving as far up your sister's ass as possible."

My nose scrunches in disgust. "Was that necessary?"

Zion smirks, rubbing his thumb against the cotton of my t-shirt. I barely feel his touch, but it's enough that my senses home in on it, aching for more. And lower.

"What can I say?" He's so close I can almost feel his lips dancing across my neck. "The Broncs siblings seem to have a way of getting under your skin."

The comment sears through me and begins chipping away at the layers of ice that have formed around my heart. I've never felt protected by someone before. I knew Zion had it in him, but I'll admit it – I had my doubts. But damn. This feels better than I imagined.

"Am I?" I ask, trying to keep my eyes from meeting his. "Under your skin?"

Zion uses his free hand to gently grab ahold of my chin and turn it towards him. His dark eyes bore into me. I can feel him everywhere, consuming my thoughts and my mind.

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