Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

My duffle bag lands with a heavy thump in the storage area of the bus. I must be early; there's only two other bags besides mine. I duck my head low when a red Hummer tears into the parking lot. Zion. I slide my shades over my eyes and pull my hood over my head. The cool air nips at my fingertips as I climb the stairs onto the coach bus.

For away games, I'm used to the good ol' fashioned bus for transportation. Apparently for state, there's no shortage of funding and we get to ride in luxury. I run my hand across the tops of the black, leather seats as I make my way to the back. Coach claps me on the shoulder as I pass.

"Broncs," he says, marking my name off on his clipboard for attendance. "I sure hope you weren't out late last night, especially not underage drinking."

It must be the shades that sets him off, but all the same, I can't suppress my eyeroll. All he's concerned with is making sure we 'got enough sleep, stayed out of trouble, and stayed sober.' He wants us at our best so we have a fighting chance of taking home the title of state champs.

"No, Coach. Plenty of sleep."

Of course, it's a lie. I didn't sleep for shit last night. Does he really expect that any of us were able to? I've never had the opportunity to go to state before, and the nerves are damn near eating me alive. It doesn't help I'll be sharing a room with my ex, either. I've tried to push that that little gem to the back of my mind as best as I can.

"Good," Coach responds and glances out the window. "We'll be leaving in about a half hour and won't be stopping until we reach the hotel."

I nod in understanding and keep moving. I spot Casper near the back and make my way over to him.

"This seat taken?" I ask, not bothering to wait for his response before plopping my ass down.

He smirks and hands me a to-go cup of coffee.

"Figured you'd need one, too," he offers in explanation.

I've never been one for coffee, but I take it anyway and thank him. The bitter liquid spreads over my tongue and down my throat. Tastes like shit, but it does the trick to warm my insides.

"You talk to either of them yet?" Casper asks under his breath, referring to Hunter and Zion.

Ever since the little incident in the hallway and then my conversation with Hunter in English Lit, I've done my best to avoid them both for the remainder of the week. Hunter seemed quite content staying off my radar, but Zion caught my gaze more than a few times between practices, lunches, and even passing each other in the hallway. The vulnerability that was once in his gaze is now gone, replaced with a veil of harsh indifference.

I can only imagine what's going through his mind.

"No," I finally respond. "Don't plan on talking to Hunter again, either."

Casper shrugs. "You got to just let that go, man."

My jaw tightens. I may have shared with Casper the last words Hunter spoke to me. It's leaving me with this electric hum of anxiety and paranoia. I keep telling myself the guy doesn't know what he's talking about, but this little voice inside my head can't seem to shake it. Maybe there's some truth to what he said, that the person who I used to be compared to who I am now is different. And yea, maybe I'm bothered it took a near-perfect stranger to make me see it.

As if reading my loop of thoughts, Casper adds, "he barely knows you, Aiden."

"I know."

"Then why are his words getting under your skin so much?"

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