Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Hunter hits the landing with a confident bounce to his step. He scans the room, a true hunter (excuse the pun) evaluating his competition. When he spots Zion at the railing, he only deigns him a glance before shifting his eyes to me. They skim down my torso, making fast work of assessing any change to my appearance in the short time we were apart.

I'm sure my hair is slightly ruffled and my clothes in similar disarray, but my biggest giveaway is the shade of red currently coursing up my neck and into my cheeks. Gigi always told me I'd be terrible at poker. I can keep a straight face for days, but my shade of discomfort has a mind of its own. And right now, that mind is still reeling over Zion's touch.


Dakota calls from the first floor, blessedly cutting through the layers of testosterone and tension. When none of us responds, he bounds up the stairs. His wide eyes take in the scene – three, masculine dudes all scowling with frustration and unspoken thoughts.

"What's, ah, going on here? We good?" he asks tentatively.

A gentle smile tugs at the corners of my lips as Dakota stuffs his hands on his pockets, rocking back onto his heels. I remember the first time I ever noticed Dakota, when he came to our table and told Zion about a party at his house. (Ironically, it also was the night Zion caught me red-handed swapping spit with Casper in the car. Yea – that was a first of many awkward moments.)

During that brief introduction, Dakota seemed every bit as nervous and timid as he does now. I know better, though. He's one of very few who stood behind me through all this. Despite his introversion, there's a strength which radiates inside him, allowing him to stand by his morals and convictions, regardless of worrying about what the rest of the guys may think. Sure, he wants to fit in, but not at the expense of losing who he is. Shamefully, I'll admit that makes him more of a badass than I am.

Zion glances over his shoulder. His eyes bounce between Hunter and me. The small amount of space between us is quickly engulfed by Hunter's large frame, and the lines around Zion's eyes tighten. I'm not sure whether this is still an act, or if a true bit of jealousy is creeping into his emotions. It also makes me wonder how much Dakota knows.

The whole damn school is aware of my sexuality now, thanks to a small town and social media. Because of the way I came out, they know Hunter's sexuality as well. Zion is still very much in the closet, though, as far as I know. Obviously, he trusts Dakota, but I have to wonder if a piece of his jealousy stems from the fact that he can't (or won't) cross that threshold to express his feelings for me.

Hunter slides a protective hand down the small of my back. It's a gentle touch, very slight, before it falls away completely. But it's enough. Zion's jaw tightens, hands clenching at his sides in warning. Casper was never one for pissing contests. Even if he was, he would have never stood up to Zion like this. He would have never 'claimed' me, silently throwing around his dominance like he had something to prove. Hell, even Bobby backed down to Zion when he attempted to go toe to toe.

Then again, neither of them is Hunter. He seems to have no problem standing his ground with our school's King. Zion's last words rumble through me like a warning. Trust me. What else has happened with them that I'm missing?

"We're good," I finally say to Dakota, breaking the unbearable silence. "We got a plan?"

Dakota bobs his head, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He doesn't look fully convinced that 'all is good,' but my reassurance is enough to get us back on track.

"There's a group that texted and asked if we wanted to hit the slopes. Or we can head up to the lodge and get some food."

I shrug. It's late, and I'm starving, but I've been crammed in a car with Casper and Hunter all day. Getting out for some fresh air might do me some good. Hell, it might do us all some good.

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