Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

He excuses himself and leaves before I get a chance to explain, carrying his pain and my heart right along with him. I listen for his footsteps well after he's gone, hoping he'll return after he's had a chance to cool down.

He doesn't.

I'm discharged a short while later, and Gigi and Mike help me pack up the hospital room. On our final trip to the car, Mike hoists the stuffed elephant to his shoulders and throws my sister a wink.

"Is it just me, or is there an elephant in the room?"

Gigi rolls her eyes but can't stop herself from chuckling. "Why are you like this?"

Despite the chaos and sadness over the last few days, it appears at least one silver lining came from it. Gigi and Mike found their way back to each other. My sister is happy – happier than I've seen her in months. Maybe years.

The two 'play banter' and flirt their way to the car, and my depressing ass follows a few steps behind them. Gigi fusses over my seatbelt after I get myself hoisted into the front seat. She wraps towels around the strap, claiming that without them, my bruises will get worse.

The second we're out of the parking lot, I reach into my bag to pull out my phone. The sheer volume of notifications and messages waiting for me leaves me with an unsettling pit of anxiety, and I clear them all away before navigating to my texts.

I skim the various messages until I see the name I'm looking for.

Zion: I needed time to process. Sharpe texted me that you just left the hospital. I'll be waiting at your place to welcome you home.

Prickling warmth creeps up my neck and into my cheeks. Only three months ago, he wouldn't have sent me a text like this. Seeing proof of his growth feels so damn good that I re-read his words again, enjoying the wave of euphoria it brings each time.

"So, fair warning," Gigi says, pulling me from my emotional high. "Mom planned a small welcome home party for you at the house. It'll only be a few people, but she thought it would help to lift your spirits and show how much support you have."

"I have enough support to welcome me home from the hospital, but not enough to keep me in school. Did I get that right?" I grouse.

Gigi glances at Mike over her shoulder. They're already doing 'couple looks'? Gross. Mike leans forward and gently claps my shoulder from the backseat, his not-so-subtle gesture of support of the California plan.

"I don't want to see you go either, Broncs," he admits. "You know, when I first met you, I thought you were just this hippie from California trying to steal one of our varsity spots. But you turned out to be a pretty chill dude. I want you to stay but keeping you here would be for selfish reasons. You'd be the one at risk. Not us. But hey – when you come home for the summer, I'll talk to Radik about throwing an epic 'Welcome Home' party for you at his folks' cabin."

I grunt under my breath. "When you're planning it, make note that I'll be picking the games this time. I don't think this town can handle the aftermath of another game of One-Up."

Mike frowns, no doubt recalling our last game of One-Up – the one where the entire, varsity basketball team put their pride on the line to lock lips with their teammates. Then he roars with laughter.

"Shit, I almost forgot about that!"

Gigi cuts in. "What's this? What's a One-Up?"

Mike dives into the story, a memory that now feels like a decade ago. When he's done, Gigi laughs and shakes her head.

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