Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

I slip in and out of consciousness. The problem is, it's hard to discern where reality ends and my dreams begin. Bits and pieces come back to me, but all too soon, sleep pulls me under again. The only true test to differentiate reality from dreamland is the pain. It throbs through every part of my body, reminding me again and again that what happened wasn't just a nightmare.

I was attacked.

I was pulverized into submission. Another jolt of excruciating pain works its way through my body as I use my strength to hoist myself into a sitting position. My ribs ache, and my stomach muscles tense in protest. I cautiously turn my head from side to side, enough to study my surroundings.

I'm only hooked up to two machines – one to keep my vitals in check and the other to keep me hydrated. That's a good sign, right? I wet my lips, and wince when the taste of stale copper slides over my taste buds. My mouth is dry and sour. I do a self-survey of my appearance, counting the number of bandages plastered to my torso.

Everything is covered. Every time I blink, my eyelids feel heavier and heavier. My jaw aches, and I slide my tongue along the top and bottom rows of my teeth to ensure none have been knocked out.

A nurse breezes into my room, offering me a warm smile.

"It's good to see you awake, Aiden," she says. "I'm Vicki, your assigned nurse. Anything you need, just hit the call button and I'll be here to help as soon as I can."

I try to say thank you, but my throat burns in protest. All I get out is a grunt. Her face clouds with worry, and she approaches my hospital bed to check my vitals.

"Your vitals look good. If it hurts to talk, can you just show me on your hand how bad the pain is? One being no pain, and five being unbearable," she clarifies.

I keep my hand at my side but manage to tuck my thumb beneath my palm. Four.

Vicki nods and taps at the computer. "I'll get you something for the pain. In the meantime, I'm going to let the people in the waiting room know you're awake. You have quite a few visitors who would like to see you."

My thoughts immediately go to Zion. Our kiss. His confession. Another ache blooms inside me, but this time it has nothing to do with the pain. All I want to do is see him and have him close. When my first set of visitors approach my room, though, my heart sinks.

I put on the best smile I can manage as Gigi and my mom pull up chairs on either side of my hospital bed. My mom's holding a small cup of water with a straw and she offers me a sip.

"I got the green light from the nurse," she assures me.

Her normally in-tact makeup is smudged around the edges of her eyes. She's been crying. I move my lips around the straw and take my time swallowing down a few sips of water. It helps with the burning in my throat.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you, baby," she whispers, and new tears form across her eyes. "We'll get it all worked out. Right now, you just focus on feeling better."

She reaches for my hand and gives it a light squeeze. Gigi sniffles on my other side, her expression identical to my Mom's.

"Mom, Dad and I were talking while you were sleeping," Gigi says softly. "None of think it's a good idea for you to go back to that school."

There's a beat of silence before my mom clears her throat. Softly, but with a commanding tone, she says, "you'll be finishing out senior year at your old school in California."

I frown. I begged my parents to let me stay at that school before we moved. They refused. Now they want to send me back?

"Momma T agreed to let you stay with her," Gigi explains, following my train of thought. "And while I'm not thrilled with you living with your annoying ex, I feel like it's a better option than staying here."

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