I then suddenly heard Tyron's bedroom door open, snapping me out my thoughts. Tyron then entered the room with a clear glass in his hand with a brown drink inside of it with ice. I pushed all of my feelings about Mario behind me and I smiled at Tyron.

"Thank you" I said as he handed me the glass. I took a sip...it's Iced Tea.

Tyron grinned "So what are the plans for today? Me and Sierra are going down to Chassy's to check up on everything. You coming with us?" he asked as he plopped down on the bed beside me. 

I shook my head "Nah I already made plans for today. Me, Yandy and Ronney are going to the mall to do some shopping and hang out" I informed him. I haven't saw Ronney since his birthday party two months ago and I low key miss him.

Tyron nodded "Sounds like fun Brown Sugar. Maybe after me and SiSi check on the restaurant I can take her to that new Aquarium that opened up across town. She's been buggin me about that place none stop for 2 weeks now" he said, grabbing my hand and kissing it gently. He's so affectionate.

"Aw! That sounds like so much fun Ty, I know SiSi will enjoy that" I beamed. Damn, now I wish that I could cancel my plans and go with them. The last time I've been to an Aquarium was with my dad when I was 7 years old. We had so much fun that day and we took so many pictures and afterwards he took me to an Ice Cream Polar and we got Sundaes. I smiled at the memory.

You know, sometimes Tyron and Sierra's relationship reminds me of how me and my dad's relationship was. When you see the way that he looks at Sierra, you could literally see the love he has for her shining in his eyes. Even when he talks about her you can feel the passion that he has to be a good father. It's such a beautiful thing to see.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Tyron asked suddenly, snapping me out my thoughts.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion "Staring at you like what?" I asked dumbfounded.

He looked over my features for a minute with a small smile playing on his lips, before he reached up and ran the back of his hand softly down my cheek, making me sigh in content.

"You're staring at me like...I don't know. Like...you're staring at me with your heart. Your eyes are shining" he said softly before chuckling. 

I smiled "I was just thinking about what a great dad you are. I can't imagine what it must be like to be a single father. You've been holding Sierra down since she's been born and you are so strong for that" I stated.

Tyron always expresses how it was hard being in College and taking care of Sierra at the same time. Sierra's mother got pregnant with Sierra while her and Tyron was in high school and gave birth right when Ty started College. But she would leave Sierra with Tyron consistently to go out and go partying, so Ty was basically raising Sierra alone while trying to get through school. Every time I think about that story it just pushes me even harder to finish school. Tyron did it and he was raising an infant by himself, so I damn sure can do it.

Tyron grinned "Thank you Brown Sugar. I'm not a single father though" he said amused, caressing my face.

I frowned as I thought that over. Oh yeah I forgot, he's not. He has a girlfriend.

Jealously ripped through my heart which forced me to turn my face away from Tyron's touch. I keep forgetting that he has a whole girlfriend....and I have a whole boyfriend. Well...kinda, because honestly I don't wanna be with Mario anymore at this point. It's complicated. But bottom line, we're both in relationships and here we are having sex none stop like we're not committed to other people. Tyron even took the condom off last night, and I didn't care because I was so heated in the moment. But thinking about it now that wasn't smart. He said that him and his girlfriend hasn't had sex yet, and me and Mario obviously aren't having sex right now. So me and Tyron are are only having sex with each other. Ugh, this whole thing just feels wrong. We're both with other people but yet here we are giving our all to each other that we're not even giving to our partners...and neither of us care. 

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