『Takashi Shirogane』

242 13 11

As they rushed down to the scene, they quickly took notice to probable cause of the Explosion.

What appeared to be a large red and white hover bike could be seen moving behind a nearby bolder, parking out of the way and out of sight of the Galactic Garrison Personnel.

After witnessing a figure wearing a face mask hopped off of the bike, it was clear what his intentions were, as he ran for the dome

"So that's where the explosion came from!" Pidge pointed out excitedly, wondering just who it was. However her mentally channeled question was answered by her friend.

"Keith!?" Lance spat out in frustration as he was moving hastily behind Pidge and Anten. "He is not beating me! I'm going to be the one to save Shiro!" The cuban teen ran on by the two of them, much to Pidge's surprise.

"Who?" Pidge straightened out her brows in a frustrated manner, but didn't slow down.

Anten though was in no way surprised at this, he expected it, he knew he would do it. That was the price of having memories from his previous life. The young man let out a soft sigh and picked up the pace. "Keith was a pilot, the one who flunked out."

"That... Makes sense?" Pidge eyed the back of Lance as he was closing in on the dome.

Hunk was right behind them, clearly out of shape and out of breath, trying to keep up with the two younger teens in front of him. "Can you... Can you guys slow down!?"

Keith was the first to reach the dome, and the first to get through the airlock.

About a minute later, the group of four entered the Dome in time to see Keith lifting Shiro onto his feet, helping him off the bed with his arm over his shoulder.

『Quest Complete: Reward 55 EXP and 100 QCoins.』

『Level Up: Congratz, you are now level two.』 

"Nope! Nope! No no no no no! Hold it right there!" Lance pointed towards Keith, hardly noticing the unconscious personnel sewn on the ground within the domed chamber. He approached the duo, clearly not liking what he was seeing. "I'm saving shiro!"

Anten glanced over them for a moment before narrowing his eyes on Shiro who was coming to, holding his head with his cyborg prosthetic. In that moment, the two of them locked as as both Lance and Keith began their little banter.

"Who are you?" Keith asked as he watched Lance come on over and take Shiro's arm over his shoulders in order to support his other side. 

"Who am I? Uh... The name's Lance!" The teen said it as if it meant something. He saw them as rivals, yet Keith didn't know he existed. It was starting to sound like a classic love story.

Getting no response from Keith other than a deadpan stare, he sighed. "We were in the same class at the garrison."

Not impressed at this news, he didn't seem at all effected. "Really? Are you an Engineer?"

"No! I am a pilot! We were like... Rivals, you know, Lance and Keith, Neck and Neck." Lance was exaggerating, though at the same time, this was the reason why he was now a fighter pilot.

"Oh... Right, I remember you, you're a cargo pilot." If anything, learning this didn't impress him at all either. Keith seemed indifferent if not annoyed by Lance's antics.

"Well, not anymore!" Lance wasn't getting all that smug at what he was about to say. If anything, he seemed a bit annoyed that his rival flunked. "I'm a fighter pilot now, thanks you washing out."

"Well... Congratulations..." AS he was about to step forward in order to make their way out, Keith's eyes then drifted towards the alien, his eye staring briefly. "Who... Are you...?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2020 ⏰

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