"I wish you told me. I could...well I don't know if I could have helped more than sitting here complaining about my little problems."

"I..." I wipe my tears from my face. "I miss him so much Care. He's not dead but I can't see him or contact him. All I have are my memories and I know he's being tortured. My children ask about him every day and...I have to keep it together for them."

"Come to Mystic Falls. We can protect you and...it will be good for the kids to finally be around other people."

"Please don't tell anyone else I'm coming until you see me. I'm still not sure. Hayley and I might get word of the last member of the 7 packs and getting our family together has to be top priority."

"And I understand that. Know I love you Sofia Gilbert-Mikaelson." I giggle at her comment.

"I' not married yet Care."

"Two children and a huge rock, sweetie you're in."

"I guess what you said all those years ago was true. You and Stefan would have a June wedding."

"Yeah, I was a little uh confident back then."

"I guess we both lost ourselves for a while."

"Whatever you decide, know I will always be here for you and your family. Nothing is more important than your family's happiness. Let me be there for you Sofia."

"I love you Care."


"Is that them?" Caroline has the biggest smile on her face. "Ooohhh please let me see them." I turn the phone and show her the kids.

"Mommy..." Henry runs and attaches himself to my legs.

"Sweetie say hi to Auntie Caroline."

"HI!!!!" Henry grabs my phone and is smiling.

"Did you lose a tooth?" Caroline is smiling big.

"Hi, Caroline." Hayley comes in with Hope holding her favorite stuffed bunny.

"Hayley you look considering everything."

"I heard you're getting married to the guy with the hair." Care laughs at her joke.

"Yeah, I'm trying to at least."

"Auntie Carl..."

"Caroline." I help Henry who is having trouble saying her name.

"The toothfawwrie brwaut me a dollwar." He says with the most adorable lisp.

"Wow, that's a huge amount. Hi Hope." Caroline waves at her and Hope runs to me and hides behind my other leg.

"Are you talking Sofia into going."


"You need to go. You're strong enough to protect you and the kids and I can wait here for any news on the last wolf pack member."

"Hayley I can't ask you to do that."

"Well, I'm telling you. You and the kids need to get out of here and with all the shit that's gone down in Mystic Falls you will be fine."


"You're coming even if I don't get married. This can be a little vacation. I can show the kids where we used to play. Our favorite food. Your childhood for them to enjoy and Lizzie and Josie would love to have some playmates."

"Oh please mommy palease..." Henry begs me and even gives me a puppy pout to match. "I want to pwlay with Lizzie and Josie."

"Mom I'm hungry." Hope finally speaks but keeps hiding her face.

"Care I'm going to have to call you back."

"Please try and come even for a day."

"Love you Care."

"Hope here is your chicken pot pie and roast veggies. Henry here is your turkey strips and fries."

"Mommy I want to go."

"Baby I don't know. It's not safe."

"Kids why don't you eat in the living room and watch a movie."

"Yes!" They gather their food and leave me and Hayley.

"Why do you keep saying that?"

"It's the truth."

"You are a badass witch who can cloak your children from anyone and can kill whoever wants to cause you harm without even blinking."

"I couldn't keep this family safe and I sure as hell won't risk my children's safety for a wedding."

"That's it." Hayley snaps her fingers at me. "You think you're hiding how sad you are but I see it Sofia. You daydream all the time of the life you and Klaus could have. And still can. We're getting close to finding the rest of the cures. We have the antidote for Freya, you siphoned the mark from Rebekah. All we're waiting for is the final wolf pack member."

"Which we may never find!"

"If you think like that we might not but...I have faith we will. Hope is getting older and notices more when you're sad. She wants you to be happy."

"I'm trying the best I can to be."

"Go home and take the kids. You deserve this time away. Get back to something normal. It will be good for all of you."

"Klaus wanted me to be happy and never to lose confidence in myself. I failed him. I've lost so much of myself without him. I'm not saying I can't do life without him but...I would prefer to have him here with us. Raising our children with our family surrounding us. I want a life we promised each other." Hayley brings me into a giant hug allowing me to cry.

"Let it all out Sofia. Never feel like you're alone because you have so many who would do anything for you. People who love you. I love you and want your happiness. Go to Mystic Falls. Wedding or not be with friends and family and just live."

"You have your bracelets?" I ask as I pack the car.

"Yes, we have them, mama." Hope is diligently helping me put everything in the trunk.

"Mommy are we going home?"

"We're going to see where mommy grew up."

"Ooohh will our family be there."

"Yes some of them will be."

"Stay safe. Keep in contact. If I don't hear from you..."

"I gave you Bonnie's number and she will be able to locate us if something goes wrong."

"Most of all have fun."

"Babies let's all hug Hayley."

"Why isn't mam..."

"Henry sweetie. We've talked about this. Your mommy is right here." Hayley points to me.

"But you love me as mommy loves me."

"I love you both so much. But there is only one mommy to you two beautiful angels."

"Hug Hayley babies."

"Bye Hayley." Henry mutters.

"I'll see you sweet munchkins when you all come back from your vacation."

"Thank you for everything. Do you have your protection charm?" She holds up her wrist. "I also did a protection spell on you and the kids just to make sure everyone will be safe."

"Stop worrying and get on the road. I do not want Caroline to rip my head off for keeping you here."

"We'll see you again."

"Always and forever."


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