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The day has come. Mom is off to pick the girls up. I'm here with the boys alone now. I decided to make mac 'n cheese for them. That is actually what I'm doing now, cooking it. Almost done, just need to add cheese.....and done! 

"Ready!" I call to the boys.

Jeez, my voice is quiet. They probably couldn't hear me. I sigh, and I'm about to go louder, but I hear footsteps. Well, they must have heard me. I don't want any of the mac 'n cheese, so I put it into two bowls. I have been shaking for a while now, and I haven't eaten at all today. I'm nervous. Two people that I don't know are going to stay with us. I feel faint. I feel nauseous..I feel the need to sit down..

That is when I fall to the ground. 

"Reyna!" Kole exclaims, jumping to his feet, "are you okay?" 

Both of them are staring at me with wide eyes. I give them a thumbs up, sitting up. I don't want them to know my fears. I have to basically crawl over to the couch in the other room. I lay down on it, and try taking deep breaths. My hand pulls out my phone, and I find myself staring at Bryce's contact, my thumb over the call button. Why do I want to call him?

Unexpectedly my thumb is pushed down by force. I look up at Vincent, who stands there with a big grin on his face. 

Evil little-

"Hi, Reyna! You never call me. Is something up?" Bryce says through the phone as he answers.
My heart stops for a second. Okay, now talk, Reyna. You can do it. 

"I-I-i-" dang it.. "N-n-never mind!" 

I hang up quickly and put my phone down beside me. I let out a small sigh of relief. The boys finish their Mac and Cheese and come join me in the living room. They turn the TV on to watch Power Rangers. I find myself just watching along absentmindedly. Of course, when I completely forget about my nervousness, the door opens. 

Panic levels rising.
They walk in and come into the living room. I see all of them. I see her.
Panic levels drop immediately. Everything drops. My heart. I-I remember. I should never, ever, ever speak. I made a mistake forgetting. I remember. I really, really remember.
As soon as her face appeared to me, I see everything. The band-aid covering up my wounds from years ago is ripped off. I feel everything.

I get a sudden burst of energy that enables me to run straight to my room. Thankfully, I don't trip. I shut the door, lock it, and lie down on my bed.

I remember. 

"Hi, my name is Jocelyn," a girl, shorter than me, but much prettier with her bright blue eyes, curly brown hair pulled back into a ponytail accessorized with a red headband that had a beautiful bow on it, held out her hand to me. 

"That's such a pretty name! My name is kind of weird. It's Reyna," I said, taking her hand and shaking it.

"I think your name is cool. Let's be friends." 


It was the day before my first day in elementary. The girl that was standing in front of me had come up to me while our parents were talking. Our parents were good friends, but we were just meeting each other for the first time.

I was kind of scared for elementary. None of my preschool friends would be there, and I was scared of being all alone. Now, I was going to go in with a friend. It felt so perfect! 

A couple months passed, and we became the best of friends. We were each other's only friend and nothing could separate us. She was always so nice and helped me up a lot. She told me that friends are there to help each other up.

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