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Bryce is looking for me after calling out my name. Behind me, there is Vienna. She called for Bryce. He looks over and spots me. Vienna walks in front of me. 

"Hey, I need to talk to you. You busy today?" She says to him.

"Yeah, I'm studying with Reyna. Why don't you just call me later or something," he tells her. 

She puts on a smile, obviously fake, "okay! See you later then!" 

She gives him a hug, then runs off. 

"Come on," he says to me. 

I follow him to a parked car that I assume is his. He opens up the passenger door for me, then goes over to the driver's side. We both get in. He starts the car, and we are off to his house.
His house is an average house like mine. At least, that's what I can say from the outside. It's nice looking. There's a garden in front, and the house is white. We walk up the porch steps, and up into the house. We pass by the living room first. There is a couple of couches and a small T.V. It is an old T.V., like an antique. Ancient. It looks like the one my grandpa had. There is a bookshelf in there filled with old things. He takes me into the next room, which is the kitchen. Then he opens the fridge. 

"Want anything to drink?" He asks.

He takes out a Coke for himself. I shake my head. He gets me a glass of water anyway. Well, I did want water. How does he read me? 

A woman walks into the room. Maybe that's his mom? She has similar eyes, but she doesn't look too much like him. She's also younger than I'd expect. 

"Hi Auntie. This is Reyna. We're going to study for English in the study," Bryce says.

"Hello Reyna, I'm Bryce's Aunt Jessie, but you can just call me Jess," She reaches her hand out to me. 

I stare at it. 

"Shake her hand," Bryce whispers to me.

I hesitantly bring my hand up to shake hers. 

"Don't be scared. I don't bite," she gives me a warm smile. 

I nod, which makes her let out a small laugh. 

"You are a cutie! Bryce doesn't bring his friends over often. The last girl.." She trails off after glancing at Bryce.

I look at Bryce. He's shaking his head, urging her not to go on. Vienna was the last girl. I don't know what happened, but it's none of my business. I turn my head back to Jess. 

"Never mind. Anyways, you guys go ahead. I'll bring some snacks in later for you. Oh, and Bryce, your uncle will be home in a few hours."

Bryce nods, then he proceeds to takes me to the study. I had something to ask him, but that is forgotten about when I see the room. So. Many. Books. 

My smile grows wide as I rush right to the bookshelves. I hear Bryce's laughter behind me.
"Now, now. Books later, we need to study," he says.

I remember the question. 

"So, um um um," wait, no. I can't get into his personal life. He'll tell me to never speak again..Just like-

"Just say what you want to say. Don't be afraid." 

"It doesn't matter."

"It does matter. If it's about my absentee parents, I'll just tell you," he says.

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