Jungkook obnoxiously went with him.  Brat.  There was no way out of this and Jungkook was going ot make sure.

Two hours later Seokjin was back at his brother's with Jungkook still right on his heels.  It was getting annoying.

They walked into the apartment in silence the only sound that could be heard was Jungkook grunting as he jumped over the couch and landed with a hard bounce.

Seokjin rolled his eyes.  Why wasn't this brat leaving?

"I know what you're thinking, Seok.  Why aren't I leaving?"  Jungkook bumused.

Seokjin sighed so deeply even Jungkook heard it.  He had irritated his best friend and his patience was wearing thin.  Jungkook chuckled.   

He loved seeing Seokjin all frazzled and irritated.  Made for a lot of fun teasing and ribbing.

"How did you know I was thinking that?"  Seokjin asked.

Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle again.  Seokjin had his fists clenched into tight balls and he didn't even realize it.

The younger got up and walked into the kitchen where Seokjin was frozen in place.  

Jungkook took ahold of the younger's shoulders and squeezed them.  Seokjin was tense.  His eyes were black and Jungkook almost thought he could see smoke fuming from his mouth if that were even a possible thing to do.

Jungkook leveled him a close stare, too close but Seokjin just stayed still.  "Cause I know you, Seok.  You're my best friend.  We've known each other since we were kids.  I know you better than anyone.  See how your body language is?  You're stiff as a board, you got your fists balled up and smoke is coming out of your ears.   Haha."  Jungkook slapped his thigh in hilarity.

"I do NOT have smoke coming out of my ears.  I am perfectly fine, Kook.  I don't need a babysitter.  Why don't you go to the hospital or the gym or something.  You're literally up my ass and-"

Seokjin put his hand up when Jungkook opened his mouth to make a joke.  Jungkook immediately shut it .  

"Don't even say it.  Keep that mouth shut and go on your way now.  I'm perfectly fine.  In fact I'm going back to work tomorrow so quit hovering over me."

"Tsk tsk, Seok ah."  Jungkook clicked his tongue but dropped it.  Instead his mouth turned up into a giant smile and his eyes disappeared.

Seokjin knew that look.  That was the look Jungkook would give him when he wanted something.  Normally it was food or a favor.

"Which is it, Kook?  Food or a favor?  I know that look.  I'd wish you'd stop giving me that look and just ask the damn question."  Seokjin snorted.

Jungkook bottom lip stuck out in a pathetic attempt to pout at his best friend.  His brows furrowed and his eyes had a sad look in them.

Seokjin rolled his own eyes.  Why did his best friend always have to act like this.

"Alright, alright.  I'll make you something quick then you need to leave.  Okay?"

Jungkook's eyes lit up and he smacked his hands together.  His eyes crinkled into the cutest smile and even his nose scrunched like a bunny showing his pearly white teeth.

Seokjin actually laughed.  He couldn't hold it in.  Jungkook acted like such a kid sometimes even though he was older then Seokjin.  Not by much but still Jungkook never failed to remind that he was older and yet he acted like such childish baby sometimes to get Seokjin's attention.

Seokjin sat alone drinking his lavender tea after Jungkook left.

The apartment was quiet save for the ticking clock on the wall.  To some it was an annoying sound but to Seokjin it was calming.  Usually when he was at his dad's house the tv would be blaring downstairs in the living room, his dad would be cussing at it or arguing with someone on the phone and more often than not he'd be yelling at Seokjin.

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