A hospital of half aliens...

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"Would you rather it be Jearn?" Paul paused.

"I would let Taen smack me before that fake." The room busted out laughing. Even though he was a cultist, that was a fair statement. Harmony sighed and turned to Reukra.

"Tell your friend to turn the power back on." Reukra glanced at her.

"I'll make you a deal. I'll tell him to turn the power on..." Paul had a sad face as he said that. "If I get to see your dad." She froze, but then nodded.

"Fine..." Reukra nodded at Paul, who grumbled under his breath. As Paul was turning the power on, Pink glanced at Forest. He was acting like nothing happened at the library.

"Ok... Let's go." Harmony left first. The cultists followed. Paul slipped something into Forest's hand. After they left, Lime said that she was going after them. Forest barely acknowledged her as she left. Forest started after the cultists. Pink went after him. She pinned him to a wall outside the room everyone else was in.

"Don't act like nothing happened, Forest. I saw what happened in the library. Was that how you knew to tell Lime that the power was out?" He looked away. "Lime's sorry for what happened. She didn't mean it. Don't become the bad guy because of it. Please Forest. Let me help you. What did Purple say to you?" Forest glanced at her.

"How... wait..." She nodded.

"I was there... in the shadows. Now answer me." He shook his head.

"I promised not to say anything. Leave me alone." He tried to get out of her grasp. She held him down. He glared at her. "Now... let me go." She smirked.

"Make me." He chuckled lightly. He adjusted his position before lightly kissing her. She stumbled back, her face heating up. He grinned.

"I win." She frowned.

"Cheater." She growled as she wiped her mouth. He chuckled as they went into the room. Harmony and Reukra were arguing with each other. Harmony finally agreed, only if she did the injection. Forest stepped out of the room, saying that he doesn't like needles. After the injection, Harmony and Reukra kept an eye on each other. The old man sat up and walked around for a moment before a bright light covered the room.


Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

"Dad..." Harmony murmured. She glared at Reukra, who was confused. The door slammed open, fear racing through everyone.

"How'd it-" He didn't get to finish. There was a blur and he was gone.

"Forest!" Pink cried out. Gone. That was it. He never got to challenge the gym. Everyone was quiet. Paul slipped out. Obviously it was too much for him. Reukra went out, Harmony running after him. Lime went over to Pink and they hugged, hoping that Forest would come back to them.

With Purple...

Purple was sitting outside, looking at his lap. Forest was good. He had put Purple's notebook and a note next to the door for Purple to find. He had done it during the injection. Purple had changed into his normal clothes. He didn't mind getting caught. The note mentioned that Pink had heard them in the library. Pink and Lime walked over to him.

"Purple? What are you doing here?" He knew that Sylvan had given his name to the trio. He didn't mind. He smirked, smoke placing a pokeball on his belt with Abra in it.

"Your friend's good." The two girls blinked and looked at each other.

"What are you talking about?" Lime asked, confused. Purple stood up.

"Pink should know that me and him talked in the library." Pink's eyes widened.

"How do you know?" He waved off the question.

"I gave him some information. While he was outside the room, he was able to get information to me. Personal, I thought I was good. But..." His eyes flashed. "You have a powerful friend." The pokeball opened and the Abra popped out. The girls hesitated. He saluted. "Later." He said as he teleported. Lime clenched her fist. Pink walked over to where he was standing and picked up a note. It was by Forest. To Purple. Her eyes widened.

"Lime..." She showed Lime the note. "Meet me at the center. I'll explain there."

My True Fight - A Pokemon Insurgence StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz