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I sat up abruptly, sucking in air. "Ah good you're awake." I flinched and Tony came into view. "What was that?" I shook my head, images of Ultron appearing in my mind. "Nothing really." I looked around, the living room taking its shape in front of me. "I have to get to school." I got up, cracking my bones slightly. "Text your friend!"

After texting Wade and promising a meet up tonight, I got dressed and started to make my way out to the kitchen. I'm starving. Steve smiles at me and hands me a breakfast burrito. "I know it's not much and you can eat a whole bunch, but we don't have time." I nodded and ate it, ignoring the hunger I still felt. "Not a problem." I followed Steve out to the garage. He drove me to Midtown high and promised me Tony would pick me up.

"Peter Parker to the principal's office!" I frowned and stood up, ignoring the teasing my classmates made. I left the room and jogged up to the front, each step feeling like impending doom. I pushed open the office doors and bowed my head as a greeting. "Ah Mr. Parker, this is Mrs. Stephanie and Mr. Silas." I reached out to shake their hands. My spidey sense sent an uncomfortable message to my stomach. "Nice to meet you, how can I help you?" May taught me manners after all. "Well Mr. Parker, you were assumed dead following the robbery leading to your aunt's death. In her will, it is said for you to go to an orphanage and be there for 3 months while you adjust. Then and only then can you be adopted. Now my question is, where have you been staying?" I tensed slightly. I can't tell them I've been with the Avengers, they'd assuming something is up. "On the streets." Mrs. Stephanie nodded. "You've been excused for the day, come with us." Mr. Silas took my arm and I jerked back, my eyes widening. "No!" The three adults watched me with guarded expressions. I need to get to Tony.

"Mr. Parker you must, it's for your own good." I shook my head and Mr. Silas grabbed me again, this time, metal restraints in my hands. I thrashed around, my mind going haywire. "Peter stop fighting!" Something was injected into my neck and I felt the arms of sleep pull at me. "I-" I fell into unconsciousness, my body no longer able to fight back.

3rd person
Tony came to pick Peter up at 3, like planned. Except he never showed. He didn't answer his phone and Karen was shut down. All this caused the older man to panic and call his husband. "Tony calm down, he could be in some after school thing..." Tony felt something was wrong. He just wanted to his kid back.

I came to in an old room, this room, however, being ten times smaller than my room at home. I panicked and calmed down slightly when I saw my backpack by the foot of the bed. I slowly got out of bed, my neck sore from whatever was injected in me. I went through my bag, my Spiderman suit still at the bottom. I sighed in relief and looked around the room, biting my lip in fear. How am I going to survive?

I slowly made my way to the door of the room. I slowly opened it and peeked my head out. The hallways looked old and dirty. I have the spend a year here? I need to contact Tony. I looked down at my watch, reading the time as 8:15. My eyes widened, I was supposed to meet Wade 15 minutes ago. I shut the door and tugged my suit on. Thankfully I have a window in here. I jumped out the window and swung toward the biggest tower in Queens.

I landed on a roof, seeing Wade's suit not that far from me. "Wade!" I called out. The man turned and he pulled off his mask, his face screwed into an unamused frown. I jogged closer and pulled off my mask. "I...I was given a sleeping agent and I woke up not too long ago." Wade scrunched his face and took a few steps forward. "Where did you go? Are you okay? Tin Can has been freaking out." I sighed and looked at the floor. "CPS found me. I have to be in an orphanage for 3 months before I'm adopted." I felt the emotions I've tried hard to suppress come up and begin bubbling over. "I just want to go home Wade. I want to be with Tony and Steve. Aunt Nat and Clint, his destructive behavior." Wade put his hand under my chin and lifted my face up. His eyes held a sad intensity. "And you will get to be home soon Petey, just give it time." I leaned forward and Wade softly pressed his lips to mine.

He pulled back and grabbed my hand. "Come on, I think you need to go see Iron Pants and tell him what's going on." I nodded and slipped my mask over my head. "It's only been a few hours and I already miss everyone." Wade's mask outlined a smile and I grinned back. "Thank you for being here." I grabbed Wade and swung toward the compound. He stayed quiet the whole trip and I made sure to check on him every once and awhile.

We reached the compound and I set Wade down, pulling off my mask as I did. Wade did the same and he smiled distantly. "Yeah let's not do that again." I chuckled and nodded. We walked into the compound and I was pulled into a long hug. "Peter!" Several people hugged me and I melted in my family's embrace. I pulled away and smiled tearfully. "Where were you?" Steve demanded. I played with my fingers. "CPS found me. I'm in an orphanage for 3 months." Tony growled and tugged on his hair. "Not if I have any say so over it. You were just fine here, look at you. I will call someone and have this sorted out." "If we can't get it sorted, I'll be okay."

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