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I woke up, the sun from behind the curtains leaking into my room. Remembering where I am and what I get to do today, I got up quickly and happily. I pulled a shirt on over my head, leaving my sweats on. The first thing I'll do when I get home is take a shower. I packed my bag and stepped from my room, the hallways lit with sunlight and the sounds of bustling nurses filled my senses. "Peter!" My nurse rounded the corner and smiled brightly at me. "Ready to go home?" I nodded. "Good, follow me and I'll take you to the lobby." I did as told and we reached the lobby in no time. He pulled some forms off the front counter and signed his name on the bottom. He also handed me a bottle with my name on it. "Trazodone. Call your clinic when you need more. Fill these forms out and you'll be good to go." He left me alone and I sat in the same spot from nearly 3 weeks ago.

My stomach growled and I chuckled lightly with the realization I didn't eat before I left. I looked around for any restaurants, my gaze finding a small coffee shop. I looked for any cars and jogged across the street, reaching the door of the shop. I pulled it open and with the 10 dollars left over in my wallet, I bought a large black coffee and a breakfast sandwich. I chugged some of the coffee and scarfed down the sandwich, the empty feeling in my stomach only just satisfied. I thanked the barista and left the shop, coffee in hand. I began walking again, the compound only just a few blocks away.

I reached the compound and breathed in deeply. I felt no fear or regret. I only wanted to see my family again. I discarded the empty coffee cup in the trashcan outside the compound and entered the lobby. "Jarvis, where are the Avengers?" "Welcome home Peter, Natasha and Clint are in the training room, Steve and Tony are in their bedroom and the rest of the Avengers are in the lounge. Should I tell them you're here?" "No Jar, it's okay I got it." I stepped into the elevator and asked Jarvis to take me to the lab. From there, I could go to my bedroom to freshen up. I got to the lab and quickly ran up to my room. I opened my door, seeing the room slightly cleaner than what I left it. I hesitantly went into the bathroom, finding it no longer burnt and crumbled.

I stepped out of the shower, drying my hair with a towel. I found a pair of sweats in the clean clothes hamper outside my bathroom door. I pulled them on, leaving the top half of my body bare. "Jarvis where is everyone?" "The Avengers are in the lounge watching a movie. Steve is cooking lunch with Tony." I thanked her and left my room, quieting my footsteps. I made it to the two rooms and leaned against the wall, smiling at my family. I found an empty spot next to Clint on the couch and I walked over, jumping over the cushions and landing on the couch's surface. He jumped and turned to glare at me, but his face twisted into one of surprise. "PETER!" That caught everyone's attention. He pulled me into a tight hug, his grip nearly suffocating me. "Barton can't breathe." He chuckled and let go of me. "Holy shit Pete, when I said man up and get help, I didn't mean leave for weeks." Clint punched me on the shoulder and I chuckled. I got off the couch and wandered into the kitchen, the couple oblivious to my arrival, despite Clint's surprised yell. "What're you making?" The two men jumped and Tony whirled around.

"Kid?" I grinned and he rushed to me, pulling me into a tight hug. "Don't you dare leave like that again. I thought you left because you hated it here. Hated us!" I wiggled out of his grip. "Da-" I cleared my throat, blush rising to my neck. "Tony, I only went to get help. I'm sorry for not telling you." He frowned before grabbing a spoon off the counter and chucking it at me. It hit me in the chest and I groaned. "Never again!" Steve began to laugh and I shook my head. "Yeah yeah. But seriously what's for lunch? I'm starving." Both men started to laugh and I felt the embarrassment of almost calling Tony 'Dad' fading away. "Mac and cheese."

We all gathered around the table to eat. I forgot how good Steve's cooking is. The food at the hospital is mediocre at best. Tony handed me my plate and I took a bite, groaning at the taste. "Fuck I've missed your cooking." Clint snorted and the rest started to laugh. "Hospital food not that great huh?" I shrugged at Clint's question. "Not bad but not great." There was a comfortable silence as everyone began eating. "How are you feeling Pete?" Everyone stopped, staring at Banner with hard glares. "Good. Great actually." Everyone relaxed and Banner smiled. Tony leaned across the table to whisper to Steve. "I...Clint was right. I was too busy feeling sorry for myself that I never thought about who I was hurting. So I manned up and got help, sure I spent nearly 3 weeks in a mental hospital, but I feel better. I did miss you guys. And Steve's cooking." I shoveled the last of the food in my mouth and stood up for more.

I nearly ran into Strange on my way to the lab. "Uh hey Doctor." He grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the med bay. I pulled my arm back, causing him to stop. "Strange? You're acting weird." He whirled on me and tilted his head. "I don't know what you're talking about Peter." I backed away from him, the hairs on my neck standing up. "Strange, I think you need to go lay down." He smiled and alarms started to go off in my head. "Good night." Before I could jump away, a portal opened under my feet and sucked me into a dark room. I hit my head on what I could only assume is the floor, passing out immediately.

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