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Peter fell asleep on the roof of the compound. No one knew where he was, well except from Clint and Nat. When Peter had walked out onto the roof, Clint and Nat made it their mission to find out what happened. They knew of the fights Tony and Peter were having. Everyone knew, they weren't exactly quiet.

The two made their way to Tony's lab. "Where did we go wrong Steve? Our kid is suicidal and I don't know how to fix it." Nat and Clint exchanged looks. They knew about this. Peter had been like this way before he became an Avenger. Of course Peter knew why, but Nat and Clint couldn't really say. Peter, from the age of 6, knew he wasn't a girl. Of course he got made fun of for acting differently from other girls his age. He wanted action figures and science shirts. Not Barbies and short skirts. It wasn't until he was 8 that he knew why. He marched right up to Aunt May and Uncle Ben and proudly said, "I'm a boy." And they believed him. His suicidal tendencies didn't start until middle school. That was when Uncle Ben died and May let him go on testosterone. Flash had made it his ultimate goal to embarrass and bully the boy. Peter started to believe everything Flash said.


Peter hated everything about himself and when he was 12, he tried to commit suicide. That would mark the first of 5 tries. May was devastated. How come she hadn't noticed? The bruising, the dark circles around her nephew's eyes, his sunken face and tear stained cheeks. May felt horrible about it. If she had only been paying a little more attention, Peter would be okay.

That was something she carried until death.

So imagine the pain Peter felt when May died. Imagine May's pain at Peter's attempt and times it by 10.

"How long has he been out here? It's freezing." I felt my body being picked up and I groaned, shivering in my wet suit. It must've rained while I was outside. "He's going to get sick." I'm too tired to even attempt to recognize the voice. "Nat...he's going to be okay right?" I heard Nat sigh before putting her hand on my stomach. "God I sure hope so. This kid needs a break." I coughed and groaned, shivering violently. "Karen turn on the warming system." I instantly started to heat up and I hummed in relief. "Ms. Romanoff, it appears Peter is getting a case of the Flu." A female groan sounded in my ears and I tiredly shushed her. "Of course, Tony's going to be so mad."

I was placed on something warm and soft and I snuggled into it. "He needs to get out of that suit." "Rock...paper...scissors, OW!" Clint whined and he grumbled under his breath. "Kid you're going to have to cooperate with me." I groaned when he sat me up. "Mr. Barton, press the Spider emblem." Karen's voice rang through the room. I'm guessing Friday stepped back for Karen. Clint pressed down on my chest and my suit loosened. I wiggled out of it and someone threw a blanket over me. I snuggled into the couch and promptly fell asleep.

Steve pulled Tony into the kitchen, hoping to make them both food. He found Nat and Clint talking quietly. "Go check on him." Nat hissed and Clint grumbled, brushing past the couple. Tony scrunched his forehead and gave Steve a look. "Is Pete okay?" Nat tensed slightly and nodded. "He's upset, naturally. You two really did a number on him. Listen, I don't expect you to always understand what's going on with him, but don't berate him for something he can't really control. He's had it hard. He's only 16 and life hasn't been kind, he deserves way more than we do. Show him that despite what he does, it'll be okay and he's okay. He's not trying to do things to upset or scare you, he's just not in the right headspace. And let him go out, he's got more to life than any of us do and we should celebrate it."

Nat walked out of the kitchen to help Clint. Peter woke up sometime around noon and has been throwing up everything given to him. Steve looked at Tony guilty and both men sighed. "We need to apologize." Tony nodded in agreement before smiling softly. "We should let Nat talk to him and I'm hungry." Steve snorted and walked further into the kitchen, looking for something to cook.

I laid in bed after Nat and Clint made me take medicine. I felt like shit and that's what I get for falling asleep during a storm. I debated texting Wade about the kiss we shared but the butterflies made me nauseous, so I decided against it. Someone knocked on the door and I mumbled a 'come in.' Tony and Steve walked in and assessed my sick face. "You're sick?" I nodded and pulled the blanket over my head. "Aw come on kid, we just want to talk." "I have nothing to say that's going to make this any easier." I coughed and felt like my throat was closing. I've had the flu before, that's never happened. "We just want to apologize, we never should've yelled at you for things you can't control, and while we may not understand it all, we still do love you." I nodded under the blanket and rolled onto my side, hoping to ease some of the breathing issues. "We'll leave you to get better. Tell Friday if you need one of us." Both men left and I sucked in a large breath of air.

I pushed the blanket off my head and looked at the medicine still sitting on my bed side table. Codeine. Shit. I pushed myself off the bed and grabbed for my phone. I texted Wade, telling him where I am and that I was having a severe allergic reaction.

Wade :p
What do you want me to do?

Just come here because I can and will likely die and I need someone to remind everyone not to freak out

Wade :p
Fine but only bc I want a kiss after you're alive again


I laid on the floor and took in big gulps of breath. "Peter you are having trouble breathing. Should I call Tony?" "No Fri, I'll be okay." My vision started to go fuzzy and dark around the edges. "Come on Wade." My window slid open and Wade stepped in, a black hood over his head. "Hey Spidey, should I warn Tin Can and, or Captain Icicle?" I went to say something before the last breathe left my body.

Wade sighed and picked the sick and dead boy off the floor. "Tony is in the lounge. Turn left from Peter's room." A Irish accent directed Wade. He jumped slightly, but carried his crush out of the room. He got to the lounge and looked at Tony. "Who are you? Why do you have Peter?" Tony stood up and Captain did too. "Relax, I'm Peter's friend. He texted me, something about an allergic reaction. He's dead, but he should be waking sometime soon." Tony furrowed his eyebrows. "Peter's allergic to only Codeine. Who gave hi-Nat." Wade shrugged and set Peter down on the couch. "He's going to be out cold for a good few hours. His lungs are going to hurt. He'll probably feel like he smoked 100 cigarettes in 4 hours, trust me it hurts. But make sure he eats and drinks water. I've got to go, but have him text me when he gets up."

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