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3rd person
Despite the quick recovery Peter made after Pietro attempted to kill him, Tony and Steve worried that he wouldn't make it. Peter's hooked up to a heart monitor and an IV drip. The heart monitor hasn't beeped once since they arrived back at the tower. The defeat of Ultron was a week ago.

"Tony, he's gone." Steve put a hand on his husband's shoulder. "No he's not. We...we..." Tony's voice cracked and he turned, shoving his head into Steve's chest. Their kid's gone. "I wanted him to be better." Steve sighed and rubbed Tony's back. "Why don't we get you to bed? We can figure out what to do once you've had some rest." Tony nodded and Steve picked him up, knowing Tony was too distraught to even move. He hasn't had proper slept since Peter had gone in.

Steve and Tony left the room and Wanda wandered in, Pietro behind her. "It should've been me." Pietro muttered. He had almost killed the kid and now it's his fault the kid is actually dead. "That's weird." Wanda hadn't said anything to Pietro, but her eyes glowed red with the use of her powers. "What?" She inched closer to Peter. "His mind is awake." Pietro furrowed his eyebrows and went to the left side of Peter's bed. "How could that be possible? He was shot 15 times. At least 5 of those entered his chest." Pietro pointed out 5 healing bullet wounds in his chest. They had to dig out the bullets lodged in his chest and stomach. "I don't know. But he's still functioning. We just need to give him time." Wanda grabbed Pietro's hand and pulled him out of the room.

After putting Tony to bed, Steve went back to the hospital room. Wanda had returned after pulling Pietro out. "Hey kid." Steve greeted before putting his hand on Peter's pajamas. "He's alive." Steve looked at Wanda incredulously. "I can hear his mind. Something is keeping him asleep." Steve put his hand under Peter's nose, feeling no air. "So he's stuck? In limbo?" Wanda hesitated before nodding. "Sorta...he...he is stuck in crossing over and being brought back. Half his mind is ready to go and the other half is rooting for life." She winced at something and put her hand on Steve's arm. "He's in pain. His body is dead, he's not healing. We need to convince to come back. Fully convince. Or whoever's keeping him, needs to let him go."

I sat down at the kitchen table, May in front of me. "How was school?" She inquired, a fork halfway to her mouth. I shrugged, not wanting to bring up the incident I had during class. "You never shrug. What happened?" I stared down at my full plate. The meal looking unappetizing to my nerves. "I...I got misgendered in class and everyone laughed. Th...They're calling me Penis Parker." May sighed and put her fork down. "I really don't know why you let me keep you in that school." I leaned back in the chair, shifting the food on my plate. "Because I like the science program." May smiled and reached across the table, putting her hand over mine. "You need to wake up." I furrowed my eyebrows. This is not how this usually goes. "Wh-What?" "Peter you're dead. You need to wake up." I stood up, looking around the room. "I...I don't understand. May what's wrong with you?" The room started to fade. "May? MAY!"

3rd person
Steve watched in awe as Wanda placed her hands on Peter's head, red magic seeping into his temples. "He...He's uneasy. Something happened at school. How old was he when he moved schools?" Steve paused, that'd be something to ask Tony. "Hey Friday, find out when Peter moved to Midtown High." "He moved going into the 9th grade, he would be 14 going on 15." Wanda heard this and nodded, stepping away from Peter. "He's stuck in a memory. I planted a sort of unwinding bomb. He should be able to tell the difference, I'll keep an eye on him. Go get some sleep Steve." Steve nodded, putting his trust in the teenager. "If anything more happens, call me or Tony." Steve left the room and joined his husband in bed.

Hours passed with no change in Peter's state. Wanda did read his mind quite a bit, but he seemed dormant. Wanda took that as a sign that maybe she needs to step back, she was starting to feel tired anyway. She left, leaving Peter trapped in his own head. Natasha did stick her head in to check on Peter, but his position remained unchanged.

I jerked and sat up, gulping in air, my heart in my throat. I felt my chest and stomach, the areas where I got shot are still sore. I looked around wildly. The heart monitor next to me started to register a heart beat and go off, loudly and quickly. I pulled off the stickers reading me and the IV. I threw my legs over the side of the bed, standing up, only to fall and catch myself on a table. I looked down at my legs, hoping to find why I couldn't walk. I had only been out for a few hours right? I pulled myself up and took minuscule steps, trying to get to the door. I want to know where everyone is.

My senses picked up quiet voices and footsteps. "We have to think of funeral arrangements Steve." "No, Wanda says his mind is still alive, which is why he doesn't look dead." I furrowed my eyebrows, who were they talking about. The doors to my left opened and I tried to move too quickly, I fell to the floor in a heap. I let out a quiet groan, pulling myself up on my elbows. "See his monitor is still not on." Tony walked around the table and stopped a few feet away from my crumpled figure. "Steve." Tony rushed over to pick me up. I huffed while he got me on my feet, holding on to me, making sure I wasn't going to fall. "Why can't I walk?" The two men exchanged glances and I frowned. "Pete you were shot through the spinal cord. It's possible you could be paralyzed for some time. It seems your body has been trying to fix that, but we need to make sure you stay off your feet as much as possible." Steve lifted me into his arms and I felt tears well up in my eyes. "But it should've healed by now, I've only been out for a few hours." "No Petey, you've been out for a week. You've been dead for a week."

Steve put me in a wheel chair and wheeled me out of the infirmary. He filled me in on some things. Thor and Banner have been gone since Ultron. We have the twins and an AI on our team now. I think that's just it. "Pops my legs hurt." I looked up at Steve and he smiled softly. "I know bud, they're going to feel uncomfortable. It's a miracle you can even feel them." "School starts tomorrow." Steve stopped, his eyes widening. "Damn, are you going to be okay to go?" I nodded, fiddling with my fingers. "I'll just ask Ned to wheel me around." Steve started to wheel me toward the living room.

We entered the threshold and everyone didn't even look toward us. "Guys." Clint looked up, a mouthful of popcorn falling into his lap. "Ew Barton." Nat flicked a piece from her bowl at him. I laughed and watched the spy tense. She turned and launched herself into my body, holding me close. "Don't you fucking dare do that to me again you hear me?" "Yes Auntie Nat." She kissed my temple and held me again, I think I felt her sob a bit, but I can't be too sure. "Dad says I'm paralyzed for a time being, I hate it." She pulled back and smiled tearfully. "I know kiddo, but you'll be back up and swinging around in no time."

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