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3rd person
No one saw Peter for the rest of the night. Everyone assumed he was tired from spending so much time alone and left him be, hoping he'd be much more excited in the morning.

Except morning came and Steve, the designated man for awakening sleeping members, couldn't find Peter. Peter wasn't in his room, in the training room, and he wasn't answering comms. "Jarvis, can you contact Karen?" Steve looked around Peter's room for his suit. "Karen is offline sir." Steve mumbled a few choice curse words and picked up a small backpack. Inside he found Peter's suit bunched up and a bottle of antidepressants. Knowing Peter has trouble wearing his suit, Steve wondered if Peter had taken off again. This worried him, would he come back? Should he tell Tony? What if Pete is in trouble? Peter is like a son to him and Tony, he didn't want anything bad to happen. "Jarvis call for a meeting in the lounge, make it level 5 emergency." Jarvis did as asked and low alarms began blaring throughout the compound.

Steve grabbed Peter's suit and jogged to the lounge, finding half asleep Avenger's, all carrying their choice weapons. Tony being the last to arrive, looked particularly angry and worried. "What?" Steve held up Peter's suit. "I can't find him." This set everyone to high levels of worry. Being only 16, they worried of his impulse decisions. "Everyone spread out, comms on, shut the place down. If we have someone here, we need to find out quick. No one in or out. Jarvis call Ned Leeds and MJ Watson, find out if they know where Peter went." Tony barked out orders. Steve felt the worry and panic Tony is experiencing, they didn't want to lose their kid.

I woke up to loud alarms blaring through the dark room. My head began to hurt and I feared of some damage to my head. I pressed my fingers to the back, hissing as the pain ignited from my touch. I pulled my fingers away, rubbing them together. They felt sticky and warm, Blood. I squeezed my eyes shut, I just wanted to go back to sleep. "Tony!" I yelled out. My voice echoed back and I began to wonder if I was even anywhere near the compound. I stood up, my knees shaking. I stumbled, my eyes only seeing black. I felt like I was falling. I ran until I bumped into a smooth surface. My fingers felt the surface, finding crevices in the otherwise smooth wall. Pain erupted in my fingers, the crevices beginning to burn hot. I screamed out, pulling my fingers away from the broken spots in the wall. I stared down at my fingers, seeing a red glow light up the already blistering burns.

It felt like forever ago that my fingers started to blister. For some reason, my wounds aren't healing. My fingers have grown numb from the intense pain, though I wish I could feel the pain, that would worry me less. Tears fell from my eyes as I sobbed. My chest hurt from the lack of oxygen and I wished to pass out. I sucked in a deep breath, pain igniting like wildfire all around my body and I got my wish, my eyes closed in the room washed with a red glow.

3rd person
No luck. After hours of searching, the Avengers came up empty handed. Steve collapsed on the couch, head in hands. He only wanted the boy to be okay. Tony snapped his fingers, yelling out a stressed, "Holy fuck I got it!" The Avengers stared at him, their faces worn and scared. "Security cameras, they must've seen something." Steve grinned, standing up and taking his husband's face in his hands. They shared an intimate kiss before Steve released and pushed him toward his lab. "Find our kid or I swear to God, I'm going to lose it." Steve's voice cracked and Tony saw the man he only thought to be strong, break down. Natasha stood up, taking Steve into her arms, consoling him. Tony ran to his lab, nearly barreling into a statue like Dr. Stephen Strange.

Peter came to, the sound of yelling awakening him. He froze when someone came crashing down nearly on top of him. He scrambled away from the mass of what he could only assume to be another human. "What the fuck?" Peter recognized the voice and nearly started to cry. "Tony?" The mass moved, his face washed in the red tint, Peter's come to hate. "Pete? Fuck we've been looking for you. What happened? How'd you get down here?" Peter hung his head. "I...I don't know." Tony's face softened and he stood up, wobbling a bit. He pulled the shaking boy into his arms, hugging him tightly. "Strange." Peter froze, his whole body tensing in Tony's grip. Tony pulled away and went to grab the boy's hands, only to have them be pulled out of reach. "Third degree burns." Peter shakingly held out his burned and blistered fingers, wanting to gag at how gross they look.

Tony knows exactly where they are. He built this room for Loki, the prison that held him during the 2012 New York attack. Tony, sighed and tapped the arc reactor in his chest. "Pete please stand back." A suit formed around Tony's body and be held up a hand at the blackened glass. He blew a beam of concentrated light energy at the glass. It didn't go through, but the shaking of the room told Tony, his plan had worked.

Meanwhile, 15 floors up, Steve and the rest of the Avengers stood up to the shaking of the building. As soon as the dust settled, the Avengers jumped into action. "Steve what the hell could that have been?" Clint demanded. Steve secured his shield on his arm. "The glass prison, it's not ideal but it's impenetrable from the inside. Nat, Thor, Buck you're with me. The rest of you stay up here just in case." The 4 of them took off, leaving the rest of the Avengers to slowly check around the facility for anyone up to no good.

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