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Peter, shaken by the room's sudden vibrating, huddled in the corner of the glass cell. Tony hoped the message he was trying to convey to the Avengers 15 floors up, clicked in their heads. Now all he has to do is console the badly injured boy and wait for someone to come rescue them.

Tony stepped out of his suit and slowly walked to the huddled boy in the corner. "Pete, can you stand up for me?" The boy whimpered in response. The truth is, Peter's exhausted. He wants to sleep and just be okay again. He never thought a day without the use of his powers could make him feel so useless. Even when in the hospital, he would web things, talk to Karen or just plan. But now he isn't so sure he could even use his powers again.

It took the 4 sent out to investigate the explosion 20 minutes to get down 15 flights of stairs. They reached the last floor and Steve noticed the two figures in the glass cell originally built for Loki. One is huddled in the corner and the other is standing off to the side of the huddled figure. "Guys we shouldn't have anyone in our cells right?" Nat made a noise of fear and she ran to what the team figured is a control panel.

A loud screeching sounds filled my ears and I let out a yell of fear and pain. "Oh thank God." Some more people ran into the room. "Steve, Pete he's hurt." The echoing footsteps came closer to me and someone picked me up. I whimpered, my head pounding and my hands numb besides short bursts of pain. "Take him to the med bay, Steve watch for his hands and head." I snuggled into Steve's shirt, wanting nothing more than to sleep. "Pete stay with me okay. Friday call for Banner to meet in the med bay." My eyes drooped close and I let out one last tired sigh before the world went black.

I woke up to the sound of an annoying beeping. "Turn it off." I groaned before attempting to roll over. A sharp pain in my right arm stopped me from fully rolling all the way over. "Ah you're awake. Jarvis call for Tony and Steve." I snapped open my eyes and met Banner's tired face. "What happened?" I sat up, being mindful of the IV in my right elbow crease. The doors to my room opened and the two Banner called down stepped in with concerned looks. "Jesus Pete, you scared the shit out of us." Tony grabbed one of my hands and sat in one of the chairs next to my bed. Steve noticed my confused look and sat next to Tony. "After we found you and Tony in the glass cell, you passed out as I was taking you up. From there you proceeded to wake up and blackout several times." I took my free hand and pressed it to my bare chest. "Did I happen to be electrocuted one of those times because I feel weird." They shared a look.

"You did go into cardiac arrest at one point. It seems that the dampener we have on the cell caused a great deal of damage to your healing abilities. Not only did it slow your cellular regeneration, but when we went to go put you under for emergency surgery, your body took it as a pathogen and your powers went into fight or flight mode. Pete that was a week ago. Throughout that period we've had to give you a blood transfusion and you've gone through at least 100 IV bags. Now I took 3 blood tests yesterday to test for any power anomalies, and it seems that your healing abilities have been ramped up. Your senses are heightened more than usual, though we don't know how long for, and you've got an usual amount of radioactivity going on in your blood. This may be due to whatever Strange used to drop you into the cell, the defibrillator, or the blood transfusion." Banner explained, pacing while he did so. "Who did you get blood from?" The three again shared a look. "Wade..Wade Wilson." Steve muttered. I bit back an irritated groan. "Did any of you stop to think about testing his blood?" Tony rubbed his neck and looked away.

"Okay, let me enlighten you on some of Deadpool's abilities. For one he's immortal. Two, he's got his own radioactivity in his blood due to the cancer treatment he's went through, that also gave him his powers. And none of you thought to ask him what kind of hyped up super human he is?" "Pete you were dying, none of us cared about asking, Friday tracked him down and he was eager to help save you. Why are you so upset about this?"

I bit my lip and shrugged. Should I know why I'm upset? Probably. "I'm just tired I guess." I pulled the IV from my arm, tired of the stinging pain it left when I moved too much. "You slept for nearly a week and a half, and you're tired?" I looked at Steve incredulously. "Dude you slept for 70 years and yet you sleep every night, I died." Tony elbowed Steve before he could make another remark and I slid out of the bed. "Does anyone know I'm awake?" The three shook their heads simultaneously. "Good, I'll sneak up on them." I pulled an innocent grin and left the room, scratching my back slightly.

I got to the hallway that split off into the lab and tensed, fearing Strange's appearance. "Don't worry Pete, Strange is being checked in S.H.I.E.L.D's mental facility. We think someone might've gotten into his head." I jumped slightly at Tony's quiet voice. I nodded and continued walking, wanting to see my family. Oddly enough, I felt okay. Sure I was scared of being trapped forever and my hands are scarred in places the burns really got to, but I'm okay. Tony walked passed me to get to the kitchen, where I heard Clint speaking quietly to Nat. Come to think about it, I notice all the heightened senses Banner was talking about before. I can even feel the bruising the IV left, I can feel it healing. I shook my head to rid that unsettling thought.

"How is he?" I stopped just inside the hallway, making sure no one can hear or see me. "Still asleep. Bruce said that he had attempted to roll over and wanted us down there in case he woke up, but it looks like that might not be for another few days." Nat sighed and Clint pushed himself up onto the countertop, knees to his chest. "Other than that night his aunt died, I've never seen him so fragile. The way he just leaned into Steve and passed out, he looked done and ready to give up. I would hate to see him go through something like that again." Nat muttered, resting her chin on her arms. Tony sighed and rubbed his forehead. I hung my head, hating that they're all so worried about me. I didn't even think before I walked into the kitchen and wrapped my arms around Nat's waist. I felt her tense before she turned and hugged me back, harder than anything.

"You scared me Pete. The fear that Tony had when he told us you went into cardiac arrest, nothing can feel worse." She pulled away for a moment and smiled softly. "I'm happy you're okay." She let go and Clint took her place. "Do that again and you're grounded." I chuckled into his shoulder. I looked around the kitchen corner, trying to see into the lounge. "Everyone else is out running errands for us." Tony muttered, the sound echoing into a cup of coffee. Boy did coffee sound good right now.

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