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I was dropped into a seat by someone. I opened my eyes and felt a few tears fall from my eyes. I wiped them away and curled in on myself. "Kid!" Cap pulled me off the seat and held me in a tight hug. "I thought I told you to stay close!" I was too dazed and in pain to respond. He set me back in the seat and I immediately fell into unconsciousness.

I woke up to being carried off the jet. I groaned and struggled in the grip. "Hey calm down it's just me." Thor muttered. I coughed into my hand and pulled it away to see blood spattered on the skin. "How bad is it?" Thor hummed in response and I lifted my head, seeing my suit ripped in the center. Thor set me down and I nearly fell over. I caught myself on the railing of a house. I stumbled in behind everyone. I got there in time to see two kids run into Clint. I blinked tiredly and looked around. My hearing cut in and out and I felt like I was under water. Someone snapped in front of my face and I moved my head lazily, seeing Steve look at me worried. "Hey k...h...?" I blinked again and put my hand on my stomach. " you...?" I looked around again and everyone was staring at me. I went to go take a step before I collapsed and felt my entire body tense and seize up. "H...some...get...!" I grabbed ahold of Steve before my entire world went black.

Tony stepped out of the kid's room and rubbed his hands together. Steve pushed himself off from the wall, "How is he?" Tony sighed and rubbed his face. "Injured, he should be dead Steve. Something about that blood transfusion is saving him. I...How did he even get on that mission in the first place?" Steve looked down and fiddled with his fingers. "You could've killed him!" Tony whisper yelled, not wanting to alert anyone of their fight. "He should be a part of this Tony! Do you think that he'd be okay if one of us never came back from this? He'd blame himself! I gave him specific orders and he disobeyed them, this wasn't only on me." Tony shoved passed his husband and stopped halfway down the hall. "You're lucky his healing is rapidly regenerating his body. The fast one tore a hole right through his stomach."

I woke up to whispered arguments right outside the door. "The fast one tore a hole right through his stomach." I put a hand on my stomach, finding nothing there but skin. I felt around, feeling no pain, I actually felt great. I slowly got out of the bed and looked around the room. This must be the Clint's kids' rooms. The door knob twisted and I looked over to see Steve walking in. He smiled at me, though his eyes remained sad. "Hey kid, you scared us back there." He crossed the room and brought me into a hug. "Are you okay?" My quiet voice caused the older to tense. "He...he's mad that I'd so recklessly let you risk your life like that." I sighed and pulled back from him. "I don't want to be the reason you two start fighting all the time." Steve started to shake his head and I sighed. "Can I be alone?" Steve bowed his head before leaving. I felt bad for doing that to him, but what else could I do? I don't want the two people I see as father's fighting because I can't learn when and when not to show up.

I quietly paced my room. I am debating on sneaking out and going home. I'd probably have to stay somewhere else while the whole Ultron thing blows over...maybe Wade. Something about him intrigues me to no end. While lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice Clint and Nat sneaking up on me. Clint grabbed my face and Nat my waist. I jumped, yet staying quiet. "Fury is briefing us downstairs. Why don't you come with?" Nat muttered into my chest. I sighed and pulled my head out of Clint's grip. "Steve and Tony are fighting because of me." Nat straightened out and frowned. "They'll be fine Pete, you are what matters. You're a big part of the Avengers and it's not right for us to leave you out when you are just as capable." Cling huffed and grabbed my hands. "Come on big guy, just hear what the guy has to say." They lead me out of the room and downstairs.

Nat and Clint joined the group at the dining table and I stayed back, leaning against the door frame. Tony looked at me and frowned disapprovingly, Steve looked away from us. I debated going home again. "He still going after launch codes?" Tony asked, his eyes still watching me. "Yes, he is, but he's not making any headway." Fury answered, eyeing me. I tuned everything out, my head in the clouds. "I'll take Natasha, Clint and Peter." I blinked at the sound of my name. "Alright, strictly recon. I'll hit the NEXUS, I'll join you as soon as I can." Tony replied and stood up. He went to leave the kitchen before stopping to whisper in my ear. "Don't do anything stupid. I've already lost enough of you." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but I nodded regardless.

I was told to suit up and I hesitantly did as told. If I come back from this hurt or not at all, what will happen to Steve and Tony? I grabbed my mask and stared down at it, sighing softly. I remember when Spiderman was just all about stopping Queen's crimes. Now I'm saving the world and worried about the world's most famous gay couple. How did it all lead to this?

I joined the recon team on the Quinjet, sitting down in one of the seats at the front. Everyone was silent and I didn't dare break that silence. Clint started the jet and pulled it up and into the sky. "Remember guys, we're there for Cho. No one is to be fighting anything or anyone." Steve turned and stared me down. If I hadn't been feeling so detached, I probably would've blushed or felt some type of embarrassment. Clint flew the jet into some city and Steve jumped out and onto a roof. Our comms crackled and we sat in silence while we waited for instructions.

"Guys! Ultron is uploading himself into a body. We need to get the cradle, the power source is too great to handle." I pulled on my mask and Nat jumped on her bike. "Ready kid?" I nodded and Clint opened the hatch. I swung out and onto a highway platform. Nat jumped into outgoing traffic. "There. It's the truck from the lab. Right above you, Cap. On the loop by the bridge. It's them. I got three with the Cradle, one in the cab. I could take out the driver." Cap replies with something I can't hear and I decided to do the only thing that kept me going in Queens. Fight.

I found the truck and swung my way onto the roof of a car behind it. I attached webs to the doors and pulled hard enough to open the doors. "Peter I told you to stay close!" Steve jumped onto the roof of the truck and Ultron blasted something at him. I managed to catch Cap before he fell off the roof. Nat follows behind, in hand, Cap's shield. She tosses the shield up to him and he catches it. "I'm going in, Cap can you keep him occupied?" Nat signaled to me and I followed behind her, swinging about. Nat jumps off her bike and into the truck. I follow behind and immediately feel the sense of something wrong. "Nat get out! Something isnt right!" She shakes her head and the truck feels like it's been lifted. "The package is airborne. I have a clean shot." "Negative! Peter and I are still in the truck!" Clint asks Nat something and she replies with, "Just be ready, I'm sending the package off to you." Nat shoves the cradle out of the truck and Clint catches it in the Quinjet.  And before Nat could get safely in, Ultron grabs her by the foot. I react by attaching a web to Nat and to the Quinjet. I swing under them and hold onto the Quinjet. "Come on Kid! Just follow orders!" Nat looks up, pleading with me. I toss her up and onto the planes platform and scramble to get inside myself. "Ah ah ah." Ultron grabs me by waist and drags me off the underbelly of the ship. The last thing I heard before receiving a swift metal to face contact was Steve yelling out, "PETER!"

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