Start from the beginning

Everyone stood in silence for a few moments. I felt a bit strange with all these Northside kids around me. But, I didn't care, this was for Jughead.

"No." Betty said breaking the silence. "No. No, I'm not giving up yet." She picked up the jacket, and turned to Archie.

"Put this on." she said to him, and threw the jacket over his head.

"What?" Archie asked, confused as hell.

"Put it on." Betty replied. Betty helped Archie into the jacket.

"Betty. This is weird." Archie stated. She ignored him, and stood behind him, her hands the jacket pockets.

"There's a hole, in the pocket." She said. 

"Okay, now we're just grasping at straws." Kevin commented.

"I think Blondie's onto something." I argued.

"I don't now about you guys, but whenever I have a hole in my jacket pocket, I always lose my chapstick in the lining." Betty said, as she continued to fumble around in the jacket.

"Or my lighter." I commented, nodding my head in agreement.

"Or my Montblanc." Veronica added. What the fuck is Montblanc? 

"Hold on." Betty said. She continued to fiddle in the lining, edging whatever it was that was in there, to the pocket. She pulled out a USB stick.

"What the fuck?" I exclaimed. Jughead punched me in the arm for swearing, so I hit him back in the head.

"Don't make me break your arm again." I muttered, which made Jughead stop.

"Nancy Drew strikes again." Kevin scoffed.

Jughead pulled out his laptop, which he happened to have on him.

"Guys, we can look at it on this." Jughead stated, placing his laptop on the table in front of a couch. We all gathered on the couch, and Betty put the USB in.

It loaded a video, and Betty opened it up. We saw, Jason. Mustang (a Serpent) was tying him to a chair, and taunting him. They were in the Whyte Wyrm basement, which is off limits to all Serpents.

"Oh, my god." Veronica said, as we watch none other than Clifford Blossom come into the basement room.

Clifford took out an engagement ring out his son's pocket, and placed it in his own. He then pulled out a gun, and we watched him. We watched him shoot his own son, point-blank in the forehead.

We all gasped. "Oh, my god." Veronica repeated, in between tears. Betty shut the lid, and Veronica went forward crying. Betty pulled out her phone, stood up and dialled a number.

"Betty?" Jughead asked. She ignored him.

"Betty, who are you calling?" I asked, and she ignored me.

"You have to get out of that house. Listen to me." Betty said into the phone. "We found visual proof of your dad shooting Jason, you have to get out of there now." 

"We need to get dad out." I said to Jughead and we ran out the garage, with the USB stick to use as evidence.


"Sheriff Keller." I shouted as I ran in the building.

"What is it, Jayda?" he sighed. 

"My dad. He's innocent. The evidence is on this drive." I replied. I held up the USB, and he took it. He then left me, and went in the room to watch it.

I heard my phone ring.

"Hello," I said into it.

"Jayde, Jayda where are you?" I heard Sweet Pea ask.

"I'm at the sheriff's station." I said, finally a happy tone in my voice. "My dad. He didn't kill Jason."

"How do you know?" he asked.

"We found proof." I said happily. I didn't notice Jughead run up behind me. "How fast can you get down here?"

"Soon. I'll be there soon. Bye baby." Sweet Pea replied.

"Bye, babe." I responded, then hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Jughead asked. I jumped up, and turned around to face him.

"No-one." I said, nervously looking at the floor.

"Jayda." he replied, crossing his arms.

I sighed. "Fine, it was Sweet Pea." I confessed.

"Sweet Pea, as in your best friend." Jughead exclaimed. "Never liked him."

"Thanks a lot." I said. "You're going to have to deal with him okay. He's on his way here." 

"Great." he sighed, and Sweet Pea entered the building. I ran over to him and hugged him tight.

"What happened?" Sweet Pea asked me, returning the hug.

"We found a USB, and it had a video of Clifford Blossom shooting Jason."I replied.

"Wait, really." he responded, and Sheriff Keller came around the corner.

"Well, you saw the video." I said simply, and crossed my arms facing him. 

"Let him out right, the hell, now!" Jughead exclaimed, suddenly really angry.

"He's gonna get charged with tampering with evidence, obstuction of justice, mishandling a body, perjury, and that's just on the top of my head." Sheriff Keller defended. I sighed in defeat. "He's not getting out anytime soon."

"He was threatened into doing all that stuff!" I yelled, shoving Keller backwards. I then felt two sets of arms pulling me backwards.

"Stop! Jayda, he'll throw you back in juvie." Jughead said, Sweet Pea agreeing. I shoved them off, and ran out the door.

Born Crazy || Sweet Pea [1] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now