4) The Creepy Guy Has Answers

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I must have stood in the doorway gaping like a fish for a few minutes. Reality came crashing back when he began to stand up. Quicker than the lightning outside, I slammed the door in his face.

He cried out, "Wait! No, please listen to me!"

I pressed my back against the mahogany door. He followed me home. The pervy grocery man followed me home. I slid down the door and collapsed on the floor, tears beginning to flow. The air around me became a crushing force. I couldn't breath, I couldn't move. I was dying. Black started to creep across the corners of my vision as I gasped for air. Today had been too much. Way too much confusion.

A calm voice stilled the panic seizing my chest, "Miss? Please open the door. Before they find me, you have to help me."

His voice was like the still ocean, beautiful and gentle. I turned my body so I could put my ear to the door.

"You can't turn me away. Please, this is the house, the one the others told me about."

What was I supposed to do? I wanted to help him but he could be dangerous. All that stood between us was a beautifully carved door.

"Listen sir, I don't know who told you to come here but I think you have the wrong house. Please leave."

He was silent for a few minutes before he broke the silence, "I know your lying, you're wearing the necklace."

My hand came up to the delicate pendent resting on my chest. What did the necklace have to do with anything?

"My necklace? I'm not lying, I really don't know you or what you need help with."

He sighed in frustration, "It's literally your job to help me! Just let me in!"

My puzzlement snapped into anger at him, "You don't know me! I'm a writer, not whatever you think I am," My eyes began to tear up again, "My parents were right I should never have moved here."

He sucked in a sharp breath, "Wait. When did you move here?"

I swallowed, "Yesterday."

I could here his mumbling through the door. There may have been a few curse words thrown in there.

Finally he stopped and asked me a question, "What's your name?"

I hesitated a moment before I answered, "Nessa Alastair."

Something possessed me in that moment to trust him. He knew what I didn't, he knew what everyone else seemed to know.

"Sh*t! Just my luck," The man whined. He paused, "You have no idea do you?"

"No idea of what? What do I not know?" I was starting to panic.

He ignored my question, "Who owned this house before you?"

"My Grandma."

"And what was her name?"

"Her name was Rosalia Alastair. She passed away a month ago."

He cursed again, "Listen, I know you want answers. Help me and I'll help you, just open the door," After a moments pause he added, "Please."

I shakily stood up and wrapped my slender fingers around the handle. This might as well have been the dumbest thing to do in the situation, but I needed answers. The Manor, the man at the store, and now this guy, they were all connected in some way. And I knew it hand something to do with me.

Before I could second guess myself I flung the door opened. Lightning flashed and lit up his figure for an instant. It was long enough to see they way he was holding his side. A black beanie was pulled down almost over his eyes and the hoodie he had had on earlier was gone. The light coming from inside the Manor revealed the dark spot in his shirt.

I gasped, "A-are you bleeding?!"

He stepped back defensively, "It's just a scratch."

My eyes glared back at his, "Just a scratch my butt! That doesn't look good. What you need is to go to the hospital."

His shot opened as wide as saucers, "No!" He rushed towards the door, limping as he held his side.

I quickly blocked him, "You need medical attention, that's a lot of blood."

"All I need is a first aid kit. I am well versed in treating these kinds of wounds."

I nodded my head slowly, I had a first aid kit, several in fact. Before I moved allowing him to come in I asked, "What's your name?"

Waves of heat crushed my chest as he looked into my eyes, "My name is Jungkook."

————— ᪥

We walked in silence as I led down one of the many halls. The Manor had too many bedrooms to count. What my Grandmother needed with 80+ bedrooms I do not know. At hadn't thought much about it, until today.

The house was curiously configured. It had ten hallways extending from one giant communal room. At the end of each hallway was a large bathroom. These weren't just any old bathrooms, they had multiples of everything. Multiple sinks, toilets and showers. The works.

We entered the bathroom down the first hall. I flicked on the light and headed to the cabinets under the sink to find a first aid kit. His presence behind me as he breathed heavily made me nervous. I let him in the door, but I still didn't totally trust him.

Finally I was able to see a box with a red cross on it. As I grabbed it I spoke to Jungkook, "Go sit on the bench over there."

He stood for a minute before heeding my words. I breathed a sigh of relief before standing up and walking over to the bench.

Jungkook snatched the first aid from my hands before I could even process what was going on. In a flash his shirt was on the floor and he was taking tweezers from the kit. My cheeks became as red as a tomato in a matter of seconds. He was ripped. Like really ripped. His abs were like, there. I frowned as I focused less on his physique. Scattered all over his body were milky-white scars. Some large and some small, but still a very numerous amount.

An ugly donkey-like noise left my mouth as he pulled a bullet from his wound. My hand covered my mouth as a nauseous feeling crept up my stomach. The BLT I had for lunch was revolting. The smell of blood filled the bathroom. I was never squeamish about seeing blood but nose was hyper-sensitive to the smell. It was awful.

I quickly grabbed a towel from under the sink and ran it under the water. He needed to wash the wound before he could stitch it up. I kneeled at his right side ready to help when he shoved me back and bolted to the sink.

Jungkook's eyes had a wild, frightened look in them. He looked absolutely horrified. Blood was trickling down his side at and even faster rate than before. I could only imagine how bad it must hurt.

He swallowed before the familiar coldness and anger settled back into his deep brown eyes, "Don't touch me. I don't need your help."

A rush of hurt hit directly in the heart as well as through my right wrist. I was confused on so many levels, first he begs to be let in because he needs my help, but the second I try to help he shoves me away saying he doesn't need me. I gulped as I nursed my sore wrist. I needed to get out of this suffocating bathroom.

I shakily stood up. My eyes couldn't be forced to meet his, "I'm gonna go make some hot chocolate. Come down when you're done."

And with that I hurried out of the bathroom as fast as I could. I really needed a hot chocolate.

Aaannnddd they met! Next chapter we gonna get some answers! I really should be doing homework right now but eh.

Get ready! We're just getting started!

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