2) Why Is Everything Confusing?

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It turned out I was not ready for anything. Not ready for the manor, the orchard, or this godforsaken faucet. I was not a plumber. In fact, I probably had the world's Most Inept Fake Plumber award. I had spent the entire day trying to get the kitchen's water faucet working. Needless to say it was not working.

"Thats it! I'm done!" I threw the wrench at faucet in anger. As karma would have it, the wrench hit the faucet causing it to start spraying water everywhere.

"No no no no no! Stop! Please!" My hands grabbed at any part of the plumbing to get it to stop. Finally I just hit the faucet with the wrench again. It sputtered for a few more seconds before slowly dying out.

I sighed in relief before the horror set in. The wall was sopping wet. The floor was sopping wet. The counters were sopping wet. And I was sopping wet. I felt like crying, but honestly the kitchen didn't need anymore water so I just went to go find some towels. After wasting another hour of my life cleaning up the mess, I decided to go into town to find some help.

After a change of clothes, I hope in my car and sped down the dirt road that led to Morrisville. Morrisville was a bustling town, growing in size everyday. It was well on its way to being a prominent city on the map.

Twenty minutes later I was pulling into a Home Depot-like store. The door made a singing noise as I entered. A burly, gruff looking man was rummaging through a drawer behind the counter. He cursed, slammed the door shut and turned to me with a scowl.

"What do you want?"

I stepped back in shock. His eyes bored knives into my soul, the hatred was oozing out of his pores. The veins in his neck pulsed with the anger that was flowing through his veins.

I was speechless. And honestly a little scared.

He raised an eyebrow with a sneer, "Well?"

I cleared my throat, "Well, I have a broken faucet in my kitchen and I don't know how to fix it. I don't even know what's wrong, I just know that no water comes out when I turn the handle."

His sneer went back to a scowl, "And that concerns me how?"

First I was confused at his hostility, but now I was mad. His behavior was completely unfounded and just plain rude.

"Look, I don't know what you have against me, but I really need a plumber so if you or a worker could help me that would be wonderful."

He chuckled darkly, "I know who you are."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Me? You know who I am?"

He pointed to my necklace, "Your one of them."

Now I was beyond baffled. One of who?

"You look just like that witch." His crusty lips curled up into a cruel smile.

That was the last straw. I snapped, "Shut up! I don't know what your talking about! One of them? Who is them?!"

His hands came down hard on the counter, "Don't play dumb with me b*tch!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed, "Could you please just help me fix my sink?"

He was silent for a moment before he shouted, "Dog! Get in here!"

A dog hybrid appeared from one of the isles. His body was shaking and his voice was weak, "Yes Master?"

My anger skyrocketed. I hated hybrid slavery with everything in me. But there was nothing I could do.

"This young lady needs your help with her sink. Fix it and be back before sundown."

The hybrid finally looked up at me. When he did his eyes widened, "O-oh yes! Of course I will!"

"Good dog," He turned to me and glared, "If my hybrid is not back here this evening there will be hell to pay. Now get out."

Without a word I turned a hurried out of the store.

The drive back was silent and uncomfortable. The hybrid could not seem to sit still.

I cleared my throat, "So... what's your name?"

He looked up at me with wide eyes, he couldn't have been older than eighteen.

"M-my name is Soobin."

I smiled, "It suits you."

His face lit up and his tail started wagging, "Really! Master never calls me by my name. I'm glad you like it."

I frowned but let the subject go. After that we settled into a comfortable conversation until we had pulled up in front of the manor. Soobin's eyes began to water at the sight of the giant house.

I laughed, "It's that impressive eh?"

He blushed, "N-no it's just I n-never thought that I would-

"See the famous Alastair Manor? Neither did I, but my Grandmother left it to me in her will. I don't know why, we hadn't spoken in years."

The light that had been radiating from him suddenly died. A dull veil  covered his eyes as his entire body deflated, "You have no idea, do you?"

I stared back at him quizzically, "I have no idea of what?"

He nodded his head as if in resignation, "I knew it was to good to be true. I should never have believed."

What? Why was this day so utterly confusing!

He smiled but this time it was forced, "If you could show me where the broken faucet is I can get to work right away."

I nodded slowly and led him through the house to the kitchen. I sat on the island in the middle of the room while he worked with his tools. His ears were dropping, his tail was sagging, and his eyes had lost all form of hope. Was it something I said?

A half an hour later the water was running just fine. Soobin put his tools back into the box he carried and stood up.

"You're problem is fixed, you shouldn't have another problem anytime soon."

I nodded, "I guess I have to take you back now don't I?"

He lowered his head, "Yeah."

I swallowed hard and whispered, "Okay, let's go."

It's gettin' weird up in here!
I felt like putting some TXT in there so I did. 😇

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