3) Alarm Bells

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The ride back to the appliance store was heavy to say the least. The atmosphere was dark and depressing. I felt really guilty. Like really guilty. It was like I was supposed to know something, I was supposed to help him but there was nothing I could do. I was just one girl, I couldn't go against the law. Why do I feel like everyone else knows something about me that I don't?

We pulled into the parking lot and came to a stop. I could hear Soobin undoing his seatbelt and grabbing his toolbox. I put my hand on his wrist to stop him before he left the car. He flinched and gaped at me.

I pulled my hand back and awkwardly cleared my throat, "I-I just wanted to say thank you. And I'm sorry if I said anything that offended you."

Finally his smile seemed a tad more sincere, "You didn't offend me," He opened the door and stood up and out of the car, "And you're welcome."

I felt my heart break, I had noticed bruises on his arms and his back as he worked on the sink. I had no doubt in my mind the store owner abused him. But what could you do? The law didn't protect hybrids. Soobin dejectedly walked back into the store where the angry burly man was watching through the window. He gave me the chills. What an awful man

I decided to stop at the grocery store before heading home. I hurried in, I wanted to be home before it got dark, the woods around the manor were creepy at night. I passed the produce section and went to heaven. Otherwise known as the junk food isle. As I grabbed chip bags and candy bars I felt chills go up my spin. Someone was watching me. I spun around to see a man dressed in all black staring at me. Well he wasn't really staring at me, he was staring at my chest. I felt my cheeks go pink.

"W-what are you staring at sir?" I wanted to run away, he made me feel uneasy.

His hand reached out and I stumbled back feeling really nervous, "Sir, please refrain from touching me. There are security cameras all around the store."

He ignored me and came closer, "It's really here... it's actually real."

He was so close I could feel his breath on my cheek. His voice sent shivers down my spine. He was warm and tall, he towered over my short 5'3". All I could see from under his hoodie was his elegant pink lips. I was hot all over. Why? Why was this stranger effecting me? Better yet, why was he being such a creep?

It was then that I noped out of there as fast as I could. I dropped my basket and ran as fast as my legs would carry me. I hopped in my car and sped home with my heart racing fast.

The first thing I did when I entered the manor was rush to my room and leap into bed and under the covers. What was that? My parents had advised me not to come to the manor and instead sell the estate. I couldn't bring myself to sell it, thus moving being my final decision. Being a novelist allowed me to do so. I could manage the estate while writing and working on getting published. That was the idea anyway. Now this whole ordeal seemed to be getting weirder and weirder by the second and I was starting to wish I had listened to my parents.

I glanced over at the vintage clock on the wall, it read 8:56 pm. Quickly slipping out of bed, I hustle through my night routine. Face washed, teeth brushed, lotion, and my comfy pajamas. I jumped back onto my sleeping cloud and burrowed deep under the blankets.

I jumped when I heard a crack of lighting. Shortly after the rain followed and fell in a rhythmic pattern against the roof. The sound of rain had always calmed me and given me a sense of peace. Slowly but surely, the rain began to do what it had always done to me, it pulled me into a restful sleep.

A loud bang caused me to bolt upright in bed. What was that? The clock read 3:00 am. Fear crept into my mind and took over. I had never liked living alone. Pulling the covers back, I swung my legs of the side of the bed and put my bunny slippers on. I grabbed my hairbrush as a weapon just incase there was an ax murderer downstairs.

As quietly as I could, I crept down the stairs. The rain was still pouring outside making it hard to hear anything. Suddenly, the noise came again, only this time it was louder. My head turned towards the front door. There was someone at the door.

My eyes widened. There was a person at my door in the middle of the night. My alarm bells were ringing alarm bells. Anyone who came twenty minutes out of town in the middle of the night to knock on someone's door did not mean well. I cursed myself for not listening to my parents warnings. They were right. I was going to die, I was gonna get murdered and all I had to defend myself was a hairbrush.

Against my better judgement I crept closer to the door. The knock came again. This time a voice sounded from the other side. It was a weak voice.

"Please... help me... I can't run anymore..." Then there were coughs. The kind of cough that racked your entire body.

Everything inside was telling me not to answer the door. So what did I do? I answered the door.

There in front of me was the man from the grocery store, crumpled up on the porch.

Well sh*t.

I'm gonna post soon, I'm having a lot of fun with this story. It's going places!

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