Chapter five: putting dreams back together

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  • Dedicado a To my special alien buddie!! I love you, yes I mentioned you in this:) love y

When I wake I see the sun peaking through the curtains and knocking on my door. It's only 8am.. Who would be at my door this early in the morning? I struggle out of bed and walk to the door while making sure to look through the hole to check who it is when I look through I see Oliver. What is he doing here i think, it cant be good news.

I open the door to see what he wants

" good morning, you're up bright and early" he says cheerfully

" yeah, sure" i mumble sarcastically

" what d'ya want!?" I demand

" look, I'm sorry to bother you this early but Lily won't eat any of the food that I gave her" he said sounding worried

I chuckle " of course not! Its on the schedule, at the front? She wont take food from anyone else but me, sounds silly but it's true" i begin to tell him. " oh.. " is all he is able to say obviously finding that a little bit strange.

" i'll let you get back to bed now" he says

" thankkk youuu " i drag out

As i trudge back to bed I stop and look at the Picture of my best friend and her horse hanging on the wall by the door " that horse was her life" i say aloud without even realising it. " rest in peace" i say while kissing the picture. He had an accident the day that my bestest friend died, she lived for that horse. My walls are covered in memories ranging from my first ever pony club ribbon, to the day I met Lily.

I slink back into bed, finally safe again within my own bed.

I wake up to my alarm going off, I look at the time 10:01am it reads " UGH" i groan not realising that it is late. I look at it again " HOLY SHIZZLES!" I scream out loud. I jump out of bed, take a quick shower and actually have breakfast. I guess I have a lot of work to do today, so breakfast is best.

I slip on my new jodhpur boots and hobble outside. The arenas are filled with people trying to get some last minute practice in before the big day. So long for getting up early and practicing.

I head over to the barn " morning Lily" i chirp " morning Nightmare" i smile at him and he smiles back " now that's what I love about you!! I always tell my horses what I love about them, trying to make them feel good. Whether it works or not, I don't care.

I go and get my tack and go to Lily's stall and say hi, then I realise that I can't ride her, so I put her tack back away and fetch Nightmares tack.

I am sure Nightmare is going to do well for me in this. I call him Nightmare because he took a lot of work to train and his beautiful jet black coat looks lime something out of a Nightmare.

I open Nightmares stall and give him his breakfast, then I leave him in peace to finish it while I head outside to watch the practice's in our outdoor practice arena. I never thought that 15 people and their horses would all attempt to use it all at once, but I guess they are desperate so they manage, I just hope there is not a collision.

I walk back into the barn, Nightmare has finished his food. Before i begin to tack him up I give Lily her feed, she is very grateful after having to wait hours for me to finally wake up! After that I groom her and give her a carrot for the morning.

As i lead Nightmare outside I think about last night, the fear and pain in Lily's eyes. That whinny replays in my mind over and over again. I shake my head as if to shake the memories away but they don't leave, all I hope is that Lily will recover quickly

I walk over to the arena with Nightmare trotting behind me hoping that some people have left, but no such luck yet. " i guess we'll have to wait" i say to Nightmare.

Liz comes up to Nightmare and I almost giving a big fright, Liz helped me train Nightmare right from the start so he has grown up with her and it shows because he is already got his nose to her chest " alright, alright, calm down have a carrot. " she says as she gives him a carrot. " they are probably going to be a while" she says to me " yeah, I figured" i reply.

" they spare paddock is free if you want to practice there" she informs me " ok, ill head over there" i say as i get Nightmare and head off.

I go to the barn and get the quad bike to take the jumps out to the spare paddock, because the arena is still in use I have to practice in the spare paddock. I don't mind practicing there its just the grass is a bit long so I am sure we will have to take it slower than I would prefer to.

I tie Nightmare to the fence and set up the jumps in a good order so that Nightmare will be able to clear them with ease.


On Nightmares back the jumps look tiny, Nightmare is 16.3 hh so he is definitely NOT a small horse!

After jumping over the 5th jump Liz comes over to watch " look up!!" She yells! As I look up the jump is much closer than I had first anticipated, Nightmares back legs hit the rails, he rears and I come tumbling off. Liz hurries over to where I lay in a heap on the soft grass, " Nightmare!" She screams before leaning down to where I lay. " oww" I cry " you okay?" She asks sounding a little concerned " yeah" I tell her " my head hurts a little bit though"

" you have to get back on right now" she screams at me

" No !" I moan

" you have to!" She yells even louder, this time in my face.

" something is wrong with Nightmare " i scream, making her go silent

" where is Nightmare?" I ask

" he's bolted" she explains

I get up as quickly as I can and run as fast and my tired legs will take me while trying ti block out the searing pain in my head.

" Nightmare!!" I yelp many times.. Still nothing,

I give up and hurry back to the barn to get the other horse that I brought to the trails with me. Jessie, yes she is named after me because I got her for my 10th birthday. She was only a foal but i'll explain that later.

I jump onto Jess's back without even bothering to put a saddle or bridle on her. I take a lump of her thick dark mane in my hand and we gallop off. We don't even bother to open the gates, we just fly over the tops of them. On the way to the trail while looking for Nightmare I think about what I am going to do for the trails. Then it comes to me, Jess! I can ride Jess!

When we finally reach the entrance to the trail it is pitch black and we are surrounded by trees. All of a sudden I hear a loud noise that makes Jessie and I both get startled.

" oh goodness" i exclaim " this was not a good idea" i continue.

**** so how are you liking it so far? Chapter six is coming! I just need to type it up, if you like it don't forget to vote! And become a fan, I will fan you back:)

Its quite late here, so Im going to bed, ill type the rest up later :) night.

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