chapter one:we can do this

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  • Dedicated to Lily, the best horse in the world!! Xx

Chapter one.

As i prepare to mount i hear the loud speaker say

" Jess and Lily please enter the ring"

I take a clump of Lily's perfectly plaited mane in my hand for good luck and mount. As soon as I feel the saddle beneath me we move off. We swiftly enter the ring. The crowd is roaring but is quickly hushed by the nearby security guards. As I give Lily some slack I see the first jump approaching and fast! I feel Lily's legs tuck beneath her and we fly over the first jump with ease with a good landing the next jump is a triple bar, Lily and I always found these easy at least until before the last trial, the crowd was so loud that Lily got a fright and bucked on the landing and took 3 of the rails down as well, we were out of the team that year, but this year I know that we can do it. I am afraid that Lily associates this jump with the fright.

As we near the jump I can feel Lily's body tense up beneath me.

Uh! Just as i expected, Lily shied at the jump. I quickly turn her around and go for the rails again. The crowd is on edge, i am sure Lily can feel the tension this jump could make or break the competition. Yet again i feel Lily's legs fold up and we float softly over. As we land i give her a pat of encouragement and whisper to her " we can do this."

The third jump is right ahead of us now and it is bigger than it first looked that cant be good, as we approach i see Lily's ears twitch back, she doesn't seem to sure about this one. The crowd is silent and the only sound i can hear is Lily's hooves softly pounding beneath us. As i lean forward in the saddle I hear that sound I've been dreading this whole time.. " its over i think to myself"

**authors note** thanks for reading this! This is only chapter one, I spent my whole day sitting around trying to get ideas:) and I thought of the, although it took a while, there are more chapters:)

So, what do you think is going to happen? Will they make the jump? Ill upload chapter 2 once someone tells me what they think is going to happen:)

Have A good day/ night:)

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