Happily ever after.

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"Lilia? Princess wake up"

I heard familiar voice, i woke up to find my sight blurry as i tried to keep my eyes open.
I felt two strong arms wrapping around me and thats when Jack's cologne hit me.
Jack was here.

I burried my face onto his chest and i couldnt stop myself, i burst out crying.
He kept me close to him as i cried against his chest out of relief. He was actually here, he is alive.

"Calm down doll, everything is fine. Im here."

His words made me sob even harder against his shirt. Jack started to caress my head and i could feel his warm soft lips against my forehead.
I felt like home again.


Jack went to get me some juice and something to eat as i sat on my bed under the blanket.
I had my cupcake pyjama on and i had pulled my hair up on a messy bun as i tried to keep myself calm and not start crying again.
Tonight has been way too much.

Jack walked ever so calmly back to my room with some filled croissants and apple juice.
He sat down to my bed and placed the plate and glass on my desk sighing.

"Are you sure you are okay Lilia?"

He mumbled as i nodded to him, i dont know how long i spent on the floor but i felt fine.
No, more than fine.
He was okay, he isnt dead. That makes me feel more than great.

"Im alright daddy"

I knew that would help, Jack flashed a little smile before he chuckled.

"You really have started to call me daddy more often huh?"

"I know you like it and i will do anything that makes you smile"

I whispered before grabbing the plate to eat.
I hadnt realise how hungry i actually was, i couldnt feel the hunger some hours ago when i was so sick thinking i wouldnt see Jack ever again.

When i was done with eating, Jack agreed to stay over night.
I fell asleep listening his calm breathing and his heart beating inside his chest. Before the tiredness took over me, i let my mind wander how Jack talked himself out of the trouble and is it finally over for good.


An week later

"Lilia come on we will be late"

Jack yelled as i was getting ready in my small bathroom.
It was our college's dance night and Jack agreed to come with me.
After i moped and gave him the puppy face hundred and twenty times.

Life was getting normal.
Happened that Jack got to explain Luka how he had fallen in love with me and how i would never expose them to anyone, not even to my mother.
Also Jack promised to get a spot as a better lawyer without getting my mom out of the way.
Life was finally getting peaceful, no drama in a whole week.

Sam and i got to talk everything out and he finally accepted me and Jack.
Cindy was overly excited of me dating an older man and to be honest every single time she saw Jack i could see some drool falling from her mouth.
With my mother everything was going well.
She was as busy as she always was but this time she could count on Jack keeping me safe.
As for Luka, Jack was still working for him but i havent seen him. Maybe Jack told him to stay away, but no matter whats the reason i was beyond reliefed.

Once i was ready doing my big curls and got my smokey eye make up done, i grabbed my black long dress to wear it.
I walked down the hallway to find Jack leaning against the wall with his tux on and damn i will never get used to how well it suits him and his built frame.
Jack turned his eyes on me and huge grin came across his face. He walked towards me to slide his arms around my waist mumbling.

"You are the most beautiful thing i have ever laid my eyes on miss"

I giggled and placed my palms on his chest before i tip toed to peck his sharp jawline.

"Thank you daddy"

After our little moment i wore my heels on and Jack lead me to his shining black car.
The night was amazing, same moon and stars on the clear night sky lighting up the grass.
Jack drove us to my college and the music could be heard all the way outside.

"Its been such a long time when i attended on a fucking school dance"

Jack groaned as he grabbed my hand into his warm huge palm.
I kept giggling and tugging on his arm to make him relax even a little.

"Come on, it will he fun i promise you"

Jack rolled his eyes smiling and lead me inside.
Everyone were dancing and having fun.

I found out Sam and Cindy got a thing, they were like two little love birds and i couldnt help but think the times when i met Jack.
How he caught my attention right away, how he saved me more than once.
A smile came across my face, Jack had his arm around my waist and he kept giving my head small light kisses over and over again.

After awhile there was a time for a slow dance and for my surprise Jack grabbed my hand to pull me past the crow.

"Dance with me doll"

I blushed and followed him to the dance floor.
Jack slid his arm around my waist, taking one of my hands into his as i placed my other hand on his wide shoulder.
Jack started leading me on the dance floor like a pro dancer and i totally wasnt excepting that.

Jack's eyes were darker in this lighting and i couldnt stop staring into his soul.
He is my soulmate.
My partner in crime.
My everything.
My man.

His smile made me catch my breath, it was the most beautiful thing i have ever seen in this world.
Our relationship has never been easy, but it was worth everything.
It was worth every fear, every tear.
Because in the end, he made me the happiest girl on this earth.

Jack leaned down to place another kiss on my forehead as we kept swaying on the music's slow beat.
Jack kept his face close to mine before his smile grew on his perfect face.
I smiled back at him, the happiness kept rushing over me and i knew he is my destiny.

Jack leaned in closer to my face to press his warm lips over mine.
I closed my eyes and everyone disappeared around us.
This kiss was everything i could ask for.
There was so much love.
Love no one ever showed me.
This moment was perfect and all i could think in this exact moment was how

He is my happily ever after.

The end.

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