A dinner.

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"Would you like to stay for a dinner?"

My mom looked at Jack, who have been staring at me through out whole meeting they were having with my mom.

"With pleasure"

He gave me this perfect smile again before my mom left to the kitchen, once he saw Sam wasnt looking st him he winked towards my direction. this is seriously getting really awkward for now.
Sam gave me that
who the hell is he
look, and i felt my face heating up once again because of this god damn situation i am in.

Before i could even answer, my eyes met this familiar figure standing next to the couch. Exactly the same spot he was having while almost punching Shane's teeth down to his throat.

"So, how are you doing?"

Jack never gave a look for Sam even if Sam turned his head to look up at him.
i turned to face him and gave him a little awkward smile.

"I'm doing ok, thank you."

"So you are feeling better?"

Jack's eyes never left mine. I kept getting lost to them, those eyes were so fucking beautiful.

"Y-yes. Much better"

I could see Sam rolling his eyes at Jack while Jack kept smiling this wide smile towards me before my moms voice broke our moment.

"The dinner is ready"

"Ok, i think it's my time to leave.. Call me"

and with that Sam walked towards the door, i tried to open my mouth but he was gone with the door getting slammed closed.
I sighed and rubbed my head frowning


"Who was he?"

Jack kept looking at me with curiosity. Standing there like a god, holding his perfect masculine body straight.
Fuck this man was good looking.

"He is my best friend.."

i whispered through my lips while turning my gaze down to look down at my hands.
He obviously got me nervous.

Hearing footsteps, he sat down next to me, making me way more nervous than i already was.
Suddenly he placed his big hand over my thigh, giving it a light yet still rough squeeze.

"Do i make you nervous?"

He whispered, making me glup this lump which have gotten in my throat. I felt like my whole body was burning under him.


i tried to talk but my words got as stuttering, how damn embarrassing. His touch, it got me feel something i have never felt before.
Suddenly i felt his palm leaving my thigh, my thigh was screaming his hand back on me before i realized mom called us to eat once again. Dang it.


The dinner was awkward.
i felt Jacks eyes on me through out the whole dinner.
They were talking about work,
not surprising me at all.
Mom got a phone calls always on the worst time, like tonight once again.
I had to bring Jack to the door and say goodbyes.
He got his jacket and glanced over at me grinning, i felt a blush creeping up on my cheeks before he opened his mouth.

"I wanna meet you, alone, tomorrow at my place"

He looked down at me and somehow i didn't understand a word he said even if i totally understoond every single word.
Why he wanted to see me?
Somehow he
mesmerized me and my words got stuck on my throat.
all i got to do was a nod. He grinned and handed me a piece of paper which had an address written down.
I turned my look up to meet his eyes but found him leaning a little down closer to me before he whispered

"And you better show up, babygirl"

with a grin on his face he stood straight and left without another word, leaving me all shocked behind him.

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