Teachers, Classmates and Children

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                “If it were your son or daughter would you want the chance to get to know them better?”

                “We are gods, Po…Mark” Zeus stated “we don’t need to get to know them. It’s our job to rule and their job to worship us”

                His pride still is wounded Hades said in his head. Poseidon however was pissed. Other than Hera he is one of the only gods who value their family, both godly and mortal.

                “Is that all they are to you” Poseidon hissed “Peasants and slaves to bow on your feet? You are their father. I don’t see how Hera puts up with you”

                “That’s it” they were again fighting each other. All Hades could do was watch he couldn’t get too involved and he can’t separate them this time it was hard enough the first time. Percy came by after saying goodbye to his other friends. He saw the two at each other’s throats.

                “Wanna help me get them off each other I can’t separate the two” Hades asked

                “Yes before anyone else sees” Percy said “Are they always like this?”

                Hades nodded them proceeded to separate the two. Hades managed to grab Zeus while Percy had Poseidon. And succeeded to stop them without any of the faculty noticing.

                “What is this all about” Percy hissed in annoyance as the two gods were struggling from Percy’s and Hades’ grip.

                “I don’t know, do you Mike?” Hades hissed then to his brother’s ear “if you keep this up the longer we’ll be stuck like this so stop it”

                Zeus reluctantly stopped then practically hissed an apology at Poseidon. He was about to protest when Hades gave him a hard stare

                “Fine” he hissed then they let them both go. Zeus stomped off to his next class while the three were looking at him. Hades shook his head

                “Always the drama queen” then he looked at Percy pretending not to know him “Thanks. I’m Matthew”

                “Percy” he replied “what was that all about?”

                “Well, Mark and Mike usually argue about small things” Hades replied “if there is no one there to stop them it is like a war zone”

                Percy nodded in agreement. Hades raised his eyebrow.

                “You have siblings?”

                “No but I know a few people with the same situation and I get into a few with my cousins not a good sign” Percy replied “anyway I need to go to Biology before Mrs. White has my head , see ya”

                He waved them goodbye. Hades asked Poseidon which is his next class

                “Um Biology”

                “I have English next see you at lunch then” then they went their separate way.


                Zeus was in PE class. They were going to play basketball and were all in red jersey shorts and loose white shirts. Since the three gods were changed into teenagers they weren’t exactly big and muscular nor small and scrawny just the middle, tall, slightly thin and with some muscle being developed. But some of the other students are huge after years and years of training. They look like actual basketball players or from other sports like volleyball or tennis. So in short he was cooked. He had watched the Olympics and knew the rules of the games. But never tried to play first hand.

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