"So that means I can call you auntie?! Wow, you're really pretty!"

Melissa laughed and ruffled his hair.
"Yes, and thank you. You are so adorable." She gushed.

"Already stealing my woman eh?!" Philip said and started tickling Henry. The sight made me smile.

Philip and I had stayed in touch after he retired from being a principal and I went off to college. I always call him when I feel lost and lonely and he always gives me advice and reminds me how proud he is of me. Back in the day, I considered him as family and not much has changed since then. Hell, he had been the one to give me away on my wedding day, something that I held very close to my heart. Though no man would ever replace my father, Philip has always been like a second one to me and that is something I will always be grateful for.

"Oh, Juniper this is my wife Melissa. Melissa, this is one of my protege's, Juniper Thompson. I've known her since she was 16 and let me tell you she was a real pain in the ass." He told his wife and I laughed.

Melissa was gorgeous. She had olive skin, beautiful black curly hair, and she wore a green short dress that complimented her very well.

"Well, you were the one who coudint mind your own business. " I joked at Philip as laughter bubbled around us, everyone conversing and catching up.

"How could I 'mind my business'when you were out doing wild chananigans on school grounds?" He joked back and I gave him a nudge.

"Is chananigans even a word?" Melissa asked and I gave her a grin.

"I was wondering the same thing. And he's never wrong! Men, am I right?" I joked with Melissa and she giggled.

"Hey! I'm standing right here. Next to you." Tyler said and squeezed my side a little too hard.

I giggled. "Don't take it personal honey." I suddenly saw a little figure moving behind Melissa. It was a little girl, who looked so much like Philip and Melissa.

I crouched down and extended my hand out.
"Well aren't you the cutest? What's you're name?" I said softly.

"D- Diana. I'm six" The little girl stuttered and took my hand, coming out from behind her mother. She was wearing a white sundress and adorable pink ballerina slippers that matched her dress. She had two pigtails which made her look so cute.

"Are you hungry? I saw plenty of sweets at the refreshment table." I told her and she nodded timidly.

"I could take her momma!" Henry said as he hoped down and looked at Diana.

"My name is Henry. Come on, I know where we can find lots of candy!" He said and extended his hand out. To my suprise, Diana took his hand and they ran away.

"You're boy is quite the charmer." Melissa commented.

"You have no idea." I said, giggling.

After that, I excused myself so I could keep saying hi to everyone. I then bumped into Stacy Miller, former mean girl.

Not much has changed for Stacy. She told me she was a model and studying to be a lawyer, which I found amazing. She also apologized for how she acted in high school and I waved her off, saying nobody is perfect and that I totally forgave her. We were kids, we didn't know shit about the real world. It would be unfair for me to punish her childish mistakes, after all I did plenty of those in my time.

I talked with so many people, Violet and Trevor, Jack and his wife Stella, even some girls from the mental hospital I had stayed in touch with. I said a quick hi to Annabelle and her girlfriend Trixy before finally making my way to my favorite person in the world.

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