His Orders

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"It's...empty." I was able to finally say.

"Why is it empty?" I repeated after a moment, looking everywhere possible to see if there waa something written. But its was all blank.

"I knew it, I knew it woudin't be this easy." I mumbled, throwing the file aside and leaning my head on my hands.

"That's weird." Tyler murmured and I looked at him.

"What?" I asked.

"Your father left all of this to you, to help you solve everything I presume. Why would he leave an empty file?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Don't know." I rubbed my eyes, yawning slightly.

"You okay?" Ty asked, touching my shoulder.

I nodded and yawned again.

"You should sleep J." He told me, and I shook my head.

"I'm good, I need to go through all this paperwork, see if I missed something, if there's anything I missed." I stated, although my voice sounded as tired as I felt.

I went to grab another file, my mother's I think, but it was snatched away just like the rest of them.

"Tyler!" I complained, reaching over him for the files, which he had placed on the nightstand on his side. I stretched my hand as much as I could, but it was useless.

"I don't think so." He said smugly as he held me back. Then, so quick I barely saw it coming, he yanked me to him and rolled us over, his body above mine slightly pinning me, as well as halting all my movements.

"First of all, you didin't sleep enough last night, and second of all, you were the one who said you wanted to come back here and lay down, with me." He added with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

"Really? I don't remember saying anything relatively close to that sentence." I said, using my arms to support myself as I stared back at him, with my head cocked to the side and an innocent expression on my face.

"Is that your ego or the pride talking?" He shot back, propped on his arms to avoid crushing me, a playful look on his face.

I broke into a grin. "Shut up." I pushed at his shoulder lightly.

"Let's make a deal; I'll forget you ever said that, I won't tell anyone about it either, but in return you have to take a nap." He said with a shrug, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Are you blackmailing me, Anderson?" I mused in an amused tone.

"I'm just making a bargain, it's a win win y'know?" He smirked at me, pushing a stray of my hair behind my ear. I shivered at his casual touch.

"I'll stay right here with you, just saying. It's a good offer." He said smugly, and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up." I said, leaning back and letting my head fall on the pillow. Tyler rolled off of me, laying next to me. I hid my head in his neck, breathing in his woodsy cologne that reminded me of nature.

"It means a lot that you haven't run for the hills, by the way. Thank you, for everything." I mumbled, my eyelids droopy already.

He held me tightly against his always warm self, making sleep all the more tempting.

"You have nothing to thank me for. It's you and me, against everything else." I heard him say softly with a kiss to the crown of my head.

I hummed in response, noticing that I was exhausted. When Ty began playing with my hair, bit by bit my eyelids dropped and I driftted into the black void of my dreams.

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