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A family go to a cottage, in early fall, up in the mountains and deep in the woods. They need a break from the city, they need to get away from civilization. They were five: the mother who was 32, the father who was 34, the oldest son who was 16 and the youngest daughter who was 6. They were a big happy family.

One day, they all went to the lake, only a few miles from there cottage. The parents were sitting on the edge of the water while there kids played. The girl and boy were partners in crime, they were there for each other. Always and forever.

They were playing, the girl splashing water at her older brother and vice versa. Then the little girl decided to get out to take a snack while her brother swam further. He swam to where there were big rocks. What he didin't seem to see was that there was a blow of water coming his way. Too little too late he realized and he was caught in it. His little sister watched, as she drank from her carton juice, how her older brother called out for her to get help as he fought the currents that threatened to pull him under.

The little girl thought it was a game and started jumping up and down, laughing hysterically. The parents heard her laugh and thought they were playing. The girl watched as her brother drowned, thinking it was all a game.

The parents realized too late, when the girl complained that her brother didin't want to come up to the surface. And so then they stopped being a family of five and became one of four.

The boy's body was never found.

For years, the girl repressed those memories, forgetting and not understanding that once upon a time, she had a brother, who had called to her for help and that she had let him die...



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