Theres No Escaping The Dark

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I entered Principal Philip Decker's office and closed the door behind me. I had met Philip the first day I enrolled and ever since he has looked out for me. In all honesty, I considered him family and he reminded me of my father. They were friends back in the day, and when he passed Philip never failed in showing his support towards me and my mom.

I sat in one of the chairs opposite to him, placing my bag on the floor beside me. He was young, probably in his mid-twenties. He had brown eyes and hair. He wore a pair of pants with a dark blue buttoned up shirt and a pair of fancy looking shoes.

I looked around. The place was small, I might even say cozy. Two beige walls on either side, the middle one dark red. Certificates hung on the walls, some drawers and two big windows from wich I could see that it was cloudy outside, it would probably rain soon.
Crazy world, I thought.

Philip cleared his throat and I looked at him. He had a file in front of him. My record, no doubt.
"Ms. Thompson, your behaviour has been unacceptable. You keep skipping, yesterday you skip the whole day, you keep picking fights, your failing clases, and you have even been caught smoking on school grounds more times than I can count. You have served detention countless times. The teachers try and talk to you, your mother has tried and even the social workers here have tried. All to no avail."
He sighed and looked at me.
"Juniper, what's going on with you?"

I looked down at my lap, refusing to say anything.

"Juniper, you have been at this school for as long as I can remember. You were always such a bright, talented and dedicated student. You were always there for anybody who needed it, you were kind and generous. I have practically watched you grow and you cant expect for me not try and figure out what's going on with you."

I continued to stay silent and he sighed. I lifted my head and looked at him, trying to keep my face emotionless.

"I think we both know that this girl, the one with whom Im talking to right now and the owner of this record-" he pointed at the file "-this isin't you. And a girl like you dosent change from one day to another." His hazel eyes softened.

"Whatever your going through, you don't have to go through it alone you know? There are people who care about you, your not alone." He said softly.

"Nobody would understand, absolutely nobody!" I blurted out, standing up, getting my stuff and heading towards the door .
I coudin't handle this never lasting pressure.

I took a deep breath. I looked back at Phillip as my hand touched the door handle.

"Phillip, I really appreciate everything you have done for me, in spite of all the things I continue to do. But this is who I am now, this is who I had to become not by choice but by force." I told him softly.

"Being yourself is more than enough. And there is nothing wrong with asking for guidance, asking for help and trusting somebody."

"Youre a good man Philip, your like family to me. You have always looked out for me since day one and I thank you for that." I smiled and he nodded, smiling too.

I sighed, my body sagging a bit. "I'l try and do better in my academics, as well as my behaviour. But I won't let myself be bullied, that is non-negotiable." I stated and he nodded.

"They will be dealt with accordingly, that I promise you. We do not tolerate bullying in this school." Philip assured me, and I nodded.

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