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Juniper POV

The next day, I was brushing my teeth and fixing my crop top when I saw him in my reflection. A male version of myself.

It was my brother.

"Toby?" I said tentatively, looking at him through the mirror.
He laughed and said "You know that's not my name Krissy."

"Then what is your name?" I said, feeling my anxiety act up.

"Why would I tell you that?" He said, touching my hair, making me flinch.

"This isin't real, your dead." I said, clenching my fists.

"Yeah, why would that be? Oh right, my sister practically killed me!" He exclaimed as he smacked the back of my head, making me jerk forward. In reflex, I grabbed the sink to stop my head from crashing in the mirror.

"I was six! My brain works differently! May I remind I've had O.D.D since I was four, and I didin't even know it!" I practically screamed.

"Those are nothing but excuses! Just you wait, im going to make your life a living hell, the fun ain't over yet Juniper." He said.

"Leave me the hell alone!" I said, turning around and expecting to meet him. But I was greeted with wind. I looked around but he was nowhere in sight. I exhaled in relief and turned towards the sink. I splashed water on my face and lifted my head up. I screamed as I saw him again but he was different, his skin was a horrible color, it was extremely saggy and he had this terrifying, hideous grin. I took the first thing my hands touched, the shampoo bottle, and hit the mirror over and over again until it shatterd. I crouched on the floor and shielded myself as best as I could as soon as the pieces started flying everywhere. I was breathing hard, barely even breathing.

"Im inevitable Juniper. And you'll learn that the hard way." I heard his voice echo.

"Shut up!" I yelled, covering my ears.

"Juniper!" I heard Aunt G scream.
Minutes later the door opened and she burst in the bathroom.

"Hun, are you okay? What happened?" She said, examining my face frantically.

"I saw him, he was right here!" I exclaimed.


"Toby! My brother! Whatever his name is." I said.

Aunt G frowned as she helped me to stand and led me to the living room.
"Honey, your brother's dead." She said gently.

"I just saw him. He looked so... real." I said as we sat down.

She touched my forehead, then my throat and the both side's of my face.

"Why do you call him that? You know his name isin't Toby." She said.

"Its easier than calling him 'my brother' all the time." I sighed.

"Hey, hey, hey, everything's gonna be just fine pumpkin. You'll see." She said, brushing my bangs.

"How can you be so sure?"

She smiled.
"Just a hunch."

I leaned my back on the wall.

Dark mindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora