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Noah spoke up, pointing toward the woods. "It's this way," he said, and they all followed him.

"Your people do this?" Michonne asked as they approached a clearing where the trees were bound with wire.

"Wanted to," Noah answered. "They must have."

They ducked under and climbed over what they could. Adalyn had to admit, it would be a good defense against biters. 

Behind her, Noah winced, and Adalyn turned to see him wiping blood away from his head. "You all right?" Rick asked him.

"Yeah," Noah said, nodding. "Yeah."

As they ventured closer, Rick took Noah by the shoulder. "They have spotters?" he asked. "Snipers?"

Noah shrugged. "We built a perch on a truck. Sometimes it's out front."

Glenn peered through the trees, scanning. "Not today," he said.

Adalyn's hand never strayed far from her gun as they ventured closer, sticking to the middle of the road.

Dead animals littered the street, torn apart by biters. A grandfather clock lay on the ground, it's glass shattered. But they kept walking.

Noah was the first to reach the wall, slamming a hand against the sheet metal. No human response, but there were certainly biters. "You hear that?" Noah asked.

"Just wait," Rick said.

Glenn looked around, finding a spot to climb up and look over. He looked back at Noah, shaking his head.

Noah climbed up as well, jumping over the side. No one tried to stop him. In fact, Rick followed. Glenn jumped over from his spot, opening the door for the others.

Noah was almost running, scanning the remains of Shirewilt Estates. "Noah, hold up," Rick said.

Burned down houses. Burned bodies, biters whose flesh had burned and blistered and sloughed away, melted to the ground and keeping them firmly in place, at least for now. Noah broke into a run, and Rick did the same, urging him, "Noah!"

The others quickened their speed, keeping pace with Noah until he finally stopped. 

There was a biter approaching. Only one, for now. And Noah was crying.

He dropped to the ground, covering his eyes as he curled into a ball. Tyreese slowly took him by the shoulders, helping him into a sitting position. "Come on," he said softly. "It's all right. You're  gonna be with us now."

The biter was still coming. Michonne let out a sigh. "I'll get him," she said.

Noah stayed on the ground, sobbing. Rick lowered to his height. "I'm sorry, Noah," he offered. "I truly am. We should see if there's anything we can use and head back."

"Then what?" Michonne asked.

She looked out at the street. "They see us," she said, meaning the biters.

And she was right. Two more started toward them.

"We can make a quick sweep," Glenn said.

H̳U̳M̳A̳N̳ (Rick Grimes)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu