
519 11 2

(Y/N) (L/N)

Waylon is a nice guy. Helping me, protecting me throughout this place. Though I can protect myself just fine, Waylon is insistent on protecting me himself.

He's my knight in shining armor I guess...

I'm wondering where my mother is, where my brother is. I mean, I read the file on me that Waylon had on him. But it doesn't specify where my family is.

Or perhaps... they're dead?

Blood coats the walls all over the place, and sometimes on rare occasions I can see a ghostly spirit follow me around. Of course I would of thought it was good ol'  Star Titanium... but it's not. Sure the hair is the same, but the body is different.

Still, I'm grateful. Walrider, right? That's what the doctors called the ghost anyway. That's my knight and shining armor too!

I... I hope that the Walrider can help against Eddie if need be. However I want to change his heart, I'm sure he was misjudged. If I can't change his heart, then Waylon and I will leave.

Maybe find the reporter he keeps mumbling about.

My feelings are confused and mixed, though I'm sure they'll get on the right track soon enough.

Now, to continue my journey into this hell of a place.

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