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You quickly pushed Waylon inside a nearby locker, sliding under the table as footsteps reached your ears. You were sure whoever it was probably knew you were experimented on just like them, however you wanted to be safe.

"Little pig..." A man's voice growled through the silence.

You could hear Waylon's breath hitch, and silently prayed that he stayed silent - for his own sake.

Your eyes caught sight of a man, who was strong no doubt, walk past in a straight line (probably after your assailant).

Silently you moved from under the table, eyes narrowed and watching as you tapped on Waylon's locker - telling him it was safe to come out.

The door to the locker opened, revealing a slightly shaken up Waylon. You chuckled, letting him lead the way while giving him comforting back pats.

"(Y/N) I..." He started, looking down at his hands. "Thank you... even though I've probably been saying it a lot! I really mean it!" He smiled after that, a giggle escaping your lips.

"Hey!" You laughed. "I should be saying that to you, not the other way!" The whine left your lips before you could stop it.

It was Waylon's time to laugh then.

"OOP!" Waylon yelled, covering your eyes with immense speed. He was okay with himself living with that image for the rest of his days, but he told himself that you wouldn't and couldn't live with it.

The sight earned a spot on his top five list of fucked up things. What his eyes seen was the body of a man, his head in a bag.

His body was supposed to represent child birth, and the blonde man was sure he would throw up. He felt you try to pry his hands away, promoting him to quickly move forward.

As soon as Waylon thought that he was far away from the scene he uncovered your eyes. You were slightly annoyed since he did it without warning, however you forgave him either way.

The two of you continued moving, your eyes widening softly as your eyes onto the body of a hanging man. You averted your gaze rather quickly.

There was a door to the left of you and you raced towards it, trying the knob as you growled out of frustration.

"Does it not work?" Waylon questioned, watching as your eyes glared at the wooden door.

You shook your head. "It doesn't."


You yelped, Waylon pulling you away from the door as sharp crystalline blue eyes gazed at your own.

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