Chapter 8 Keeping Secrets

Start from the beginning

“I know the name...did some digging. You wouldn’t happen to be related to a Roman would you?”

Tensing at the mention of his nephew’s name. “How do you know this Roman?”

Sitting back on the edge of the desk the man said while placing his hands in pockets feigning innocence “He registers with some very special people… guy like you that’s any relation to him coming to me for any help would be something to take note of. I’m not a man that likes to start wars but I’m damned good at finishing them.”

Roman and his so called friends reached all the way to the mainland, Ty thought. The situation just got even better everyday. “These special people…I’m assuming that you’re not affiliated with them?”

“In a way no and in a way yes… I don’t take orders too well and my loyalties aren’t bought, but then again you know the saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”

“Noted. You seem to know a lot. You wouldn’t happen to know what they and this Roman have going on do you?”

“Since you seem like a decent enough man and since I generally don’t give a fuck about anything … yeah I know some things. I know a lot more shit than Roman.”

Taking a menacing step forward Ty felt his hackles rising, “And?”

The man, merely smiling at Ty now sat calmly on the edge of his desk and stated, “Hostile take over.”

Ty walked to the nearest bar intent on getting a drink to wash the sour taste from his mouth. His thoughts were in turmoil and he couldn’t quite get a grip on where to start to unravel the mess to even begin to contemplate a solution. Roman, the pride, his bitch of a wife, the missing lions, everything seemed to fit so perfectly in this chaotic little puzzle but now with the new information he had just heard had everything blurring the lines of what he had contained. The timing of the mating tide could not have been worse with all that was going on bringing another person into the fray would only cause more confusion and problems.

Ty sat and paid for a bottle of alcohol intent on drowning the worry that was barely held at bay by the rising anger. He had just taken a sip of his drink when another man walked into the bar and sat two seats over from the table that Ty occupied. The man, Ty’s one and only second in command Vin, was big, built just like Ty accept he had a barrage of tattoos etched into the tanned skin of both forearms.

“Bar keep, give me whatever he’s having,” the man said.

The bar was empty accept for the usual back booth drunk, the bartender and the two men, the noise of the lunch hour traffic filled the tiny space.

Ty was the first one to break the silence. “I didn’t expect to see you so soon.”

“Yeah well there have been some new developments.”

“Yeah tell me about,” Ty said sarcastically.

Vin then slid Ty a portable camcorder loaded with a film and headphones. “I’ve digitally enhanced a particular part you might want to pay close attention to.” Ty took the device from his long time friend. He started the prerecorded set listening and watching the scene unfold before him. After the scene had played out Ty took another swig of the bitter liquid.

“Just like you thought. He’s playing the pride like a game of chess, moving pieces the way he wants them to move.”

“Yeah and the fucker’s even got pawns.” Ty said as he retold Vin of all he had learned just a little while ago.

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