Chapter 3 HIStory prt1

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The Naeri Pride got its beginning just like all over were- lion Prides… from He Without A Name.

He Without A Name was born-some even say created- in the times of the first dawn of the first man. He was more beast than human, for his primal essence controlled his very being; He Without A Name was too savage even for his family so with a planned attack he was beaten and banished to parts too terrifying for a man to enter alone. But somehow he survived.

One afternoon he came upon a young lion near his dwelling and a battle ensued where both lives perished. When it came time for judgment the Fates or some divine being intervened. Because the human killed the lion he would be punished, but as the killing was unavoidable and had been done so in self defense he would be rewarded. The god like being saw fit to return the human to the world but as something different, something more.

Days since his death had passed He Without A Name returned, confused and changed. For a time he gave into insanity and rage until in a fit of hysteria he shifted. He screamed and wailed long into the hours of the day as his bones broke and cracked and popped and blood vessels burst, muscle and tendon snapped and tore only to re-grow mere seconds later. He screamed himself horse as his agony was never ending, and then he stopped breathing just as the darkness surrounded him. He awoke in the dead of night lying upon a patch of cool grass near a small body of water. When he tried to move he discovered he could only do so on his hands and knees. It took him what seemed nights to reach the water for he had a thirst unlike any he’d ever had. Once out from under the canopy of trees, the moon had shown full and bright and luminous on the still water.

He approached the water intending to drink and immediately froze. He saw the lion’s reflection, the very lion that he had killed and he retreated backwards. Willing himself to stand he found he could not, looking down at his legs to search for injury he saw the legs of a lion. As he willed his left leg to move the beast’s leg moved, he spun around and found the he had caught sight of a lion’s tail. He then raced to the edge of the water, to take a look at himself and instead he saw the face of that a lion but he couldn’t understand why. Minutes went by and then he finally figured it out. Apart of his mind screamed in disbelief another part—the newest part roared for attention.

Underneath the moons rays the lion and man sought the truth through memories of their deaths, meeting the divine being, having their lives restored and their Fates intertwined. The change that had occurred was a merging of souls and beasts. Two beings shared the same body only now they were one; they looked out upon the water, the moon, and the trees through the same pair of eyes, they each drew breath from the same lungs and would one day each love from the same heart; they were one whole soul yet with two halves of a personality, each a compliment to each other.

From that day forward He Without A Name no longer gave into rage, he instead grew to trust his beast within. Once he had recognized his lion he gained strength and agility and a speed that neither animal nor human possessed. He found he could give chase to bigger game and could rapidly heal any wounds he incurred. He also noticed that while the members of his human family grew old he seemed to stay the same way; aging at a much slower rate than that of full blood humans. Once he finally allowed his beast more control he could fully shift into the bestial form and his roar could be heard miles away.

It was not long after He Without A Name and his beast bonded that he found his true mate. He was hunting miles away from his dwelling when he caught sight of a pride of lions, initially his beast was quick to go about their way until he felt awash with an overwhelming coolness and deep attraction to one of the lionesses. The human side of He Without A Name tried to approach the lioness cautiously but his beast would have none of that so he boldly approached the lioness and was immediately attacked by the male of the pride. To the lion, He Without A Name’s scent was odd and not of their pride so that made him a threat twice over. Instead of scaring He Without A Name away the other lion was out to kill and was quickly defeated and He Without A Name assumed the position of the Pride Leader. He produced several children with his true mate and the other lionesses and from those lions sprang the very beginning of the were-lion species.

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