The New Moon Approaches

Start from the beginning

"Why don't we let it rest for a while. Maybe a little nap will make it more sociable." He spoke calmly as he escorted everyone out of the lab to give the little Pokémon some privacy.


***Click, clack, click, clack, click clack***

Meowth was running down the halls of a school building as it heard the footsteps of someone chasing it. The starlight of the new moon's night sky lit its way to the staircase. Meowth ran up the stairs all the way to the school's rooftop. The wind blew violently as loud shrilling cries blasted its ears. The sound of the door swinging open as the footsteps from before became silent. The wind blew even harder, blades of grass flew about as Meowth tried to turn to see who it was but everything around it started to fade into darkness.

"MEOWTH!" It heard.


It didn't understand. Meowth? What is that? Is that a name? Is it his name? These sounds...what are they? Words? What are words? The darkness was cold as these strange sounds echoed and questions went unanswered. Meowth felt his body go numb as the darkness continued to swallow it whole. It was time, he figured as he felt himself give in. Why bother fighting it? There's nothing around except cold darkness.

A warm light glittered in the corner of Meowth's eye at that thought. The cold darkness slowly faded away as a warm light engulfed him. It was so warm like the sunlight; it felt like the sun itself was carrying him. If it was Meowth didn't want the sun to let him go.

"Meowth," It heard as an orb of light landed onto its koban.

"Meowth," it heard again. The voice sounded familiar, was it Rinora?

"Meowth listen." Her soothing voice said, "Pure light has no shadows."


While in the conference room, Professor Oak explained to them that he wanted to clarify if Meowth's ability to talk was some new form of evolution in Pokémon. He wanted to see for himself if that its ability to talk also gave it the aptitude to comprehend on a higher level, to be able to calculate like a human. The gang explained the few times they witnessed Meowth learning something new. For instance, when it learned the word 'kettle' it sounded it out then spelled it...correctly on the first try. They also told him everything that has happened to them and how they were told that someone might have hypnotized Meowth.

"I didn't get any indications of foul play but then again there are no tests to prove otherwise on a sleeping Pokémon." Professor Oak stated, "All I can say after a brief observation is that it was exhausted, probably due to the stress of the drastic changes that occurred."

Ash wanted to ask Professor Oak to go into more detail but then they heard the lab door that connected to the hallway slide open. Ash and Anthony were the first ones up, they walked into the lab to see who it was that entered only to see the door was wide open but no one including Meowth was in the room. Ash ran out the door that connected the lab to the hallway only to see Meowth by the staircase.

"Meowth?" He mumbled out loud. Meowth didn't hear him as if it were in slow motion Meowth suddenly collapsed, tumbling down the flight of stairs. Ash ran as fast as he could to the unconscious scratch cat.

"MEOWTH!" He screamed as he picked it up. "MEOWTH! WAKE UP! MEOWTH!"

He screamed as he tried to shake it awake. Professor Oak rushed to their sides as he checked its pulse and breathing.

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