First Fight

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It's been a few days since Shoto was banned from going to that house ever again. Aizawa and Kaminari made sure of it. It was annoying Shoto, saying they were being "overprotective". Shoto was sitting next to a couch, petting Grey while Kami was cuddling him. Grey then walked to the window and started meowing loudly. Shoto got up and looked out the window. It was Harry! Shoto immediately opened the window and let him in. "Harry?! How do you know where you live?" Todoroki said as he helps Harry get inside.

"You gave me your location in that piece of paper. Duh." Harry snickers. "Oh hello you must be Shoto's boyfriend." Harry said as he turned his attention to a confused Kaminari. "Yes I am his boyfriend." Kaminari said as he pulled Shoto closet to him. "Harry what's wrong? You look worried." Shoto said as he held his friends hands. "It's..I'm dying.." Harry said quietly. Shoto has tears in his eyes "w-what do you mean?! You must be joking right?!" Todoroki said as he tried to make Harry look at him.

"Sho, listen. I have Hanakai. I know there is surgery but I want to die. The love of my life got into a relationship.." Harry said as he smiled back to Shoto. "But!" Harry hugged Shoto and whispered to his ear. "You're still a crybaby since we first met." Harry said as started crying. "I'll miss you." Shoto said as he patted his back. "I'll miss you to, Todoroki." Harry said as tears started falling off his face. Shoto walked Harry our the door and when he left he fell down to his knees, sobbing.

Kaminari came over and hugged his boyfriend. "I'm fine." Todoroki said between sobs. Kaminari made him face him. "SHOTO! Your not okay!! Stop lying by telling me your okay!" Kaminari yelled. Todoroki had even more tears and yelled back. "How about you just stop babying me?!" Todoroki said in a angry tone. "WELL ITS NOT MY FAULT YOUR FATHER HURTS YOU!" Kaminari yelled back. When Kaminari realized what he said he covered his mouth and then immediately regretted it. He grabbed Todoroki's arm. "Baby look I'm sorry-" Kaminari was met with a slap in the face.

"Haven't done enough?!" Todoroki said as he stormed out of the house. He went to his dorm room and took a container of pills. 'Happy pills' he said as he took 8. He then collapsed and his vision blurred.

"Touya?! Where are you going?" Todoroki said as he saw his brother with a suitcase. Touya has a face of panic on his face. He didn't know what to say to his little brother. "I'm sorry Sho, I have to leave you that monster." Touya said as he was turning his back to the door. "TOUYA WAIT." Todoroki said as he had tears in his eyes. "I'm SO SORRY!" Touya said as he pushed his brother away. He actually left.

*end of flashback*
Shoto woke up and threw up in the toilet, coughing out the pills. 'Shit.' Shoto thought. I get sleep and that was his day. Kind of shitty to be honest. When he woke up he got ready for school. When he got into class he didn't replied to Kaminari's welcome. He just ignored him the whole day. When Shoto was in his dorm he didn't realize Kaminari followed. Shoto got scared about hit Kaminari in the head with his book. He took a sigh of relief when it wasn't any stranger, but he made a mad face when it was Kaminari. "What do you want?" Shoto said as he crossed his arms.

"Look, I'm really sorry about treating you yesterday. I know what I did was an idiot move and I hope you can forgive me." Kaminari said as he looked down, fidgeting his fingers. "You're such a jerk." Shoto said as he hugged Kaminari. "I'm sorry Sho.." Kaminari said as he hugged back. "Hello?" Someone said at the door. Shoto turned around and opened the door. It's was Aizawa. "Dadzawa?" Kaminari said in a surprised pikachu face. "DENKI KAMINARI, I told you not to call me that." Aizawa said as he face palmed. "So why are you here?" Shoto said in a curious voice. "To check on you. To see if Endeavor caused any more damage to you..hope not I already banned you from going there." Aizawa said as he pulled Shoto's sleeves.

Aizawa took a sigh of relief and patted Shoto's head. "Good. If he did, I would've done illegal things." Aizawa joked as he chuckled. Before Aizawa left the room, Shoto tugged on his scarf. "Yes Kid?" Aizawa asked. "What will the police do to Endeavor?" Todoroki asked concerned. "They'll make sure he won't lay a finger on you and I know that for sure" Aizawa replied as he pats Shoto's head, earning a nod from Shoto. "I'm going to call Shin. I want him to babysit Grey." Kaminari said as he took out his phone from his pocket.

A few minutes later, Shin came and grabbed Grey and came into the room. He petted Grey's fur and started snuggling with him. "Okay bye Shin, Bye Grey! Be good." Shoto says as he closes the door. "So where'd you want to take me Kami?" Shoto said as he tugged Kaminari's arm. "Somewhere special." Kaminari said as he smirked. When they made it, it was beautiful. There was rows of sunflowers, daises, and so much other different plants. "Kami! This is beautiful!" Shoto said as he covered his mouth. "Lest take some pictures shall we?" Kaminari said as he pulled out his Polaroid. All of this made Shoto's pain go away. Well some of it.

While walking back to the dormitories Shoto told Kaminari to wait inside. When Shoto was about to get in he was grabbed by the neck. By Endeavor! "You piece of shit!" Endeavor yelled. "S-shut up!" Shoto said as he tried to speak. "I didn't raise a faggot gay as a son. Pathetic.." Endeavor said as he squeezes tighter, making it even more harder for Shoto to breathe. "ENJI TODOROKI YOU PUT DOWN NY SON RIGHT NOW!" Aizawa said as he came out of the dorms with an scared Kaminari and a furious Shinsou. "Tch, pathetic." Endeavor said he dropped Shoto onto the ground and then left.

Aizawa immediately sprinted toward Shoto and wrapped his arms around him. Kaminari has tears in his eyes as he kissed Shoto's forehead. Shinsou hugged Shoto when he left.

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