Hurts Like Hell

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Heads up there is kind of smut (I'm bad at so) enjoy!
"Dad, stop worrying about me. I'm fine." Todoroki says in a cold voice. "It's just I care about you, and you should always know that." Aizawa said. "I know I know.." Todoroki said kind of annoyed. "I'll be going out with Kaminari. Bye dad" Todoroki responded before closing the door. "You ready?" Kaminari said as he held Shoto's hand. "Yup." Todoroki said. We went walking around the sidewalk. "Hey Sho wait here I'm going to tie my shoes." Kaminari said. "Okay" Todoroki responded.

Shoto got distracted by a small white and black colored cat. It looked lost so Shoto picked it up. It's furr was very very soft. "What's your name?" Todoroki said with a smile on his face. "Meow" the cat responded. "I want to keep you! You're so cute. I'll name you Grey!" Todoroki said in a cheerful voice as he couldn't stop smiling. The cat gave a purr to Shoto, telling him that it was good name. Once when Kaminari stood he saw a smiling Shoto with a white and black colored cat.

"Shoto! What's that?" Kaminari says in an exciting voice. "It's our new cat! His name is Grey, short for Greyson." Todoroki responded. "Heyyy, nice to meet you" Kaminari said as he pet Grey's furr. "Let's show Shinsou at home! He loves cats." Todoroki suggests.
"Great idea. Let's go" Kaminari said as he pet Grey's furr all the way there. "Look what I have Shin!" Todoroki yells as he bursts open the door with a bright smile. "OH MAH GOD! CAN I PET IT?!" Shinsou yelled as he ran toward Grey. Shin (short for Shinsou) shed a little happy tear as he started petting the cat. "Watch him, I'm going to my room" Todoroki said as he gave Shin Grey.

He locked himself in his room and his smile was wiped clean. He started to sob quietly. 'Everything hurts like hell' Todoroki whispered softly. 'I should've gotten killed by that monster. I don't deserve to live' he thought. He grabbed his razor and started cutting. The only thing that relaxed Todoroki. 'Fuck, even if I do kill myself. Everyone would turn their attention to's annoying and useless..wasting their time on a useless person.' Todoroki also thought.  He washed the blood and pulled down his sleeve. He looked himself in the mirror.
Stupid idiot
Ugly Weakling
Your family hates you
Kill your self
Denki won't care
Either anyone else
Your going to die alone
Just run away
Your father is going to kill you
Just end this
"Just shut up already." Todoroki whispered. He grabbed his phone and wallet and and packed some important things and put them in his backpack and left out the window. He walked for 40 minutes and made it. Todoroki sighed. 'It's been a long time' he whispered. Knock knock. "Who is it-" a boy said. "S-Shoto?!" The boy said as he covered his mouth. "Yupp...hey Harry." Todoroki said. Harry hugged him as Todoroki hugged back. "It's been years.. I missed you dude." Harry said. "Me too." Todoroki said.

Here is some info about Harry. He was Shoto's childhood best friend. His quirk is heal. He never got into UA because he didn't think his quirk was good enough. Him and Shoto were separated when Shoto got burn scar. Leaving Harry to fend for himself.

4 minutes later. "So you got your scar by mother?"  Harry asked hesitantly. "Yup and now a recently a mounts ago I got adopted by my teacher." Todoroki responded in a annoyed voice. "Hey, what's wrong?" Harry asked concerned. "Ever since I was put in adoption, I fell into a severe depression at an early age and now I still have it I did self harm and I still do it even today." Todoroki said as he pulled his sleeve. "Dang, Sho, you good?" Harry said in a worried face as he held Todoroki's arm.

"I'm fine." Todoroki said as he rolled his eyes. "I have to go now can I have your number." Todoroki said as he got off the couch. "Yeah sure here" Harry said as he gave Todoroki a piece of paper that had his phone number. "Thanks bro, bye" Todoroki said as he left. "Yeah, take care" Harry replied. As Todoroki was walking home he got a call from Momo. He picked it up. "WHERE ARE YOU?! ITS BEEN ALMOST 1 HOUR." Momo yelled making Todoroki flinch. "I had visited someone?" Todoroki said confused.

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