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Hehehe sorry ni bukan update utk chapter baru hehehe

But aq nk amik masa ni kejap jeee

But aq nk amik masa ni kejap jeee

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Aku nak promote Kwn Aku punya cerita. Aku dah baca and srsly it's good.

Kepada Jimin stans aq recommend citer ni plus utk readers yg minat baca story english.

Siapa ii yang minat tu visit lah citer dia nie

Tapi readers yang sayang Aku ni ( walaupun tak de.. Sape Je yang sayang Aku nie ಥ‿ಥ)
Pls give her a follow. Dia bnyk sgt tolong Aku buat chapters MMI plus credits utk dia for making cover baru citer MMI hehehehe

Tu Je kot aq rasa anyways nnti aq try update chapters lagi cepat dah assalamualaikum n have a nice day


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